Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Soundtrack (


For 12 year old Alexander Cooper, everyday is a bad day. And his family thinks he's being silly because they never have a bad day. On the day before his 12th birthday party, he learns that another boy is having a party of his own and everyone is going to it. And another kid punks him online. So at midnight of his birthday, he wishes that his whole family can have a bad day. And things for the whole family go bad, his mom's car is broken so they have to share a car, his sister has a cold and has to go on stage, his older brother, who's hoping to get his driver's license and to bring his girlfriend to the prom, has to deal with his girlfriend's snootiness and fails to get his license, his mom has a crisis at work which could cost her her job, and his dad who has a job interview has to bring his younger brother with him but because his pacifier is broken he can't stop crying. Alex feels responsible.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
What's Up?
Linda Perry: Writer
4 Non Blondes: Performer
Waterfalls TV Title
Brian Wayy: Writer
Logan's Loop
Andrew Bird: Writer
Andrew Bird: Performer
If You're Happy And You Know It
Larry Groce: Arrangement
Larry Groce: Performer
Jason Newsted: Writer
Jason Newsted: Performer
The Boy With The Perpetual Nervousness
Glenn Mercer: Writer
The Feelies: Performer
The Last One To Leave The Party
You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!
Sammy Cahn: Writer
Surf Surf Don't Drown
Dylan Minnette: Writer
Keep On Movin'
Thomas Hien: Writer
Thomas Hien: Performer
Summer Steps
Dave Bronze: Writer
We'll Sing In The Sunshine
Gale Garnett: Writer
Gale Garnett: Performer
Murray Burns: Writer
Perfect World
Evan Bogart: Writer
The Whatevs: Performer
Need You Tonight
INXS: Performer
Andrew Farriss: Writer
Happy Birthday To You
Mildred J. Hill: Writer
John Shanks: Produced
The Vamps: Writer
The Vamps: Performer
Best Worst Day Ever
Kerris Dorsey: Writer
Kerris Dorsey: Performer
Brian Malouf: Produced
We Are The Ones (Own The World)
Charles William: Performer
Hurricane (The Vamps)
Christophe Beck: Performer
Best Worst Day Ever (Justine Dorsey)
Christophe Beck: Performer
We Are the Ones (Own the World) (Charles William)
Christophe Beck: Performer
Surf Surf Don't Drown (The Narwhals)
Christophe Beck: Performer
Perfect World (IDK & The Whatevs)
Christophe Beck: Performer
Suite from Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad (Christophe Beck)
Christophe Beck: Performer

User reviews

Thomas Williams

The musical score in the film feels disconnected from the on-screen events, failing to create a cohesive and immersive experience for the audience. The lack of thematic consistency in the soundtrack detracts from the overall impact of key moments in the story, leaving viewers feeling underwhelmed.

Charles Taylor

The music perfectly complements the misadventures of the Cooper family, adding depth and emotion to the hilarious situations they find themselves in throughout the film.

Sarah Baker

The soundtrack of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day effectively captures the chaotic and humorous tone of the movie, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Linda Davis

The music enhances the comedic elements of the film, adding a playful and upbeat tone to the story.

Joseph Clark

The use of playful and quirky melodies in the soundtrack reflects the lighthearted nature of the story, making it a fun and enjoyable listen even outside of the movie.

Melissa Carter

The soundtrack effectively conveys the sense of unity and togetherness that the Cooper family ultimately discovers amidst their individual challenges.

Patricia Baker

The soundtrack of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day perfectly captures the chaotic and humorous moments of the Cooper family's disastrous day.

Donald Taylor

Overall, the soundtrack of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day is a delightful accompaniment that enhances the storytelling and brings an extra layer of enjoyment to the movie-watching experience.

Amanda Hall

The memorable melodies and catchy tunes in the soundtrack of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day stay with you long after the movie ends, making it a joy to listen to even outside of watching the film.

Paul Evans

The soundtrack of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day perfectly captures the chaotic and humorous nature of the movie. The music enhances the comedic moments and creates an engaging atmosphere throughout the film.

Steven Smith

The use of different musical styles and instruments in the soundtrack adds depth and variety to the overall listening experience. From upbeat and energetic tracks to more emotional and reflective pieces, the music complements the diverse range of emotions portrayed in the movie.

Thomas Phillips

Overall, the soundtrack of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day is a standout feature of the film, adding depth, humor, and charm to an already entertaining story.

Robert Smith

The variety of musical styles and instruments used in the score help to convey the different moods and emotions of the characters, creating a dynamic and engaging auditory experience.

Ashley Roberts

The choice of songs in Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day feels out of touch with the tone of the film, resulting in a jarring and disjointed listening experience. The soundtrack seems to miss the mark in capturing the emotional journey of the characters, instead coming across as a haphazard collection of tracks that do not resonate with the narrative.

Laura Allen

The catchy melodies and rhythms in the music make it easy to connect with the characters and their journey throughout the film.

Brian Miller

The soundtrack for Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day lacks emotional depth and fails to capture the turmoil and chaos experienced by the characters throughout the film. The music feels generic and uninspired, missing the opportunity to enhance the storytelling.

Brian Turner

The emotional depth of the score shines through during the more heartfelt moments, providing a touching backdrop to the family's struggles.

Mary Wilson

The soundtrack does a great job of building tension during the more dramatic moments of the film, effectively drawing viewers into the story and keeping them invested in the outcome.

Edward Baker

The variety of musical styles and instruments used in the soundtrack keeps the audience engaged and adds layers of interest to the overall viewing experience.