Annihilation Soundtrack (

Annihilation Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 6.90/10 from 363000 votes
Tags: expedition, biologist, lighthouse
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It's been already twelve months since his last covert operation, and the rugged military, Kane, is still missing in action, presumed dead.

With his wife--the successful academic biology professor, Lena--still grieving him, an unprecedented phenomenon in the swamplands of Florida will soon have her following in Kane's footsteps, as a member of a strong all-women team.

So many theories try to explain the mysterious ever-expanding iridescent membrane which swallows the area; however, none was able to yield facts.

What kind of startling biological transmutations lurk behind this bright and colourful kaleidoscope of horrors?

In the end, what did Kane see?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Helplessly Hoping
The Mark (Interlude)
Moderat: Performer
Gernot Bronsert: Performer
Sex Music
Billy Fuller: Writer
What Do You Know?
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Ambulance Chase
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Approaching the Shimmer
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Geoff Barrow: Performer
The Alligator
Geoff Barrow: Performer
For Those That Follow
Geoff Barrow: Performer
The Swimming Pool
Geoff Barrow: Performer
The Watchtower
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Geoff Barrow: Performer
The Body
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Plant People
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Cells Divide
Geoff Barrow: Performer
The Bear
Geoff Barrow: Performer
The Beach
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Were You Me?
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Lighthouse Chamber
Geoff Barrow: Performer
The Alien
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Disc Time:
Geoff Barrow: Performer
The Beach (Alt Version)
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Southern Reach Questioning
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Shimmer Reveal
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Abandoned Army Base
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Camp Awakening
Geoff Barrow: Performer
Two Theories
Geoff Barrow: Performer
In All of Us
Geoff Barrow: Performer
We Are Headed That Way
Geoff Barrow: Performer
End Titles (Alt Version)
Geoff Barrow: Performer
End Credits (Alt Version)
Geoff Barrow: Performer

User reviews

David Baker

The score of Annihilation enhances the film's visuals by creating a sense of dread and wonder that lingers long after the credits roll.

Emily Johnson

The use of dissonant tones and unconventional instrumentation adds a sense of unpredictability and unease to the overall listening experience.

James Davis

I found the soundtrack of Annihilation to be quite disappointing and out of sync with the eerie and mysterious tone of the movie. The music felt generic and uninspired, failing to enhance the tension and suspense of the scenes.

Elizabeth Lee

The Annihilation soundtrack is a haunting and mesmerizing work of art that perfectly complements the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the film. The blend of ambient tones, distorted melodies, and pulsating rhythms creates a sense of unease and tension that grips you from the very beginning.

Laura Parker

The music in Annihilation effectively conveys the sense of tension and impending danger that permeates the narrative.

Nancy Martinez

The soundtrack of Annihilation is a masterclass in building tension and suspense, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats throughout.

Donna Taylor

The soundtrack of Annihilation is a mesmerizing journey through sound, evoking a range of emotions from fear to wonder and everything in between.

Richard Brown

The blend of electronic and organic elements in the soundtrack creates a unique and otherworldly sonic landscape that draws you into the story.

Stephanie Moore

The lack of a memorable theme or motif made the soundtrack forgettable and unremarkable. It did not leave a lasting impression or contribute to the overall atmosphere of the film, which was a missed opportunity considering the intriguing and otherworldly nature of the story.

Elizabeth King

The music in Annihilation is a character in itself, adding depth and emotion to the story in ways that dialogue alone cannot.

Laura Nelson

The music in Annihilation is both unsettling and beautiful, reflecting the duality of the film's themes of destruction and creation.

Charles Evans

The use of electronic elements and distorted vocals adds an otherworldly quality to the music, enhancing the sense of dread and wonder that permeates the film. The soundtrack effectively conveys the sense of unknown and the eerie beauty of the strange phenomena depicted in the story.

Laura Walker

Each track in the soundtrack feels like a journey into the unknown, mirroring the protagonist's descent into the surreal and otherworldly environment of the swamplands. The music effectively conveys a sense of wonder, fear, and awe, enhancing the emotional impact of the story and immersing the listener in the film's unsettling world.

Dorothy Nelson

The use of electronic elements and experimental sound design adds a futuristic and otherworldly quality to the music, reflecting the film's themes of mutation, transformation, and the unknown. The soundtrack is a masterful piece of work that not only enhances the viewing experience but also stands on its own as a captivating and evocative musical composition.

Michael Martinez

The soundtrack of Annihilation perfectly captures the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the movie. The haunting melodies and ambient sounds create a sense of unease and tension that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.

Nancy Lewis

Overall, I believe that the music in Annihilation fell short of capturing the complexity and depth of the narrative, leaving me underwhelmed and disconnected from the emotional impact of the movie.

Susan Lee

The haunting and atmospheric score of Annihilation perfectly captures the sense of unease and mystery throughout the film.

Andrew Adams

Overall, the soundtrack of Annihilation is a masterful blend of music and sound design that enhances the psychological and emotional impact of the film. It immerses the audience in the unsettling world of the story and leaves a lasting impression long after the movie has ended.

Mary Jackson

The haunting melodies and eerie soundscapes in the film's score create a sense of foreboding that stays with you long after the movie ends.