Arthur and Mike Soundtrack (

Arthur and Mike Soundtrack (2012) cover

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Rating: 5.70/10 from 7800 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Arthur Newman

Title in Italiano:

Il mondo di Arthur Newman

Title in Português:

As Vidas de Arthur


Wallace Avery hates his job. His ex-wife and son hate him, and he's blown his one shot at living his dream. Not wanting to face all this, he stages his own death and buys himself a new identity as Arthur Newman.

However, Arthur's road trip towards a new life is interrupted by the arrival of the beautiful but fragile Mike, who is also trying to leave her past behind. Drawn to one another, these two damaged souls begin to connect as they break into empty homes and take on the identities of the absent owners: elderly newlyweds, a high-roller and his Russian lady, among others.

Through this process, Arthur and Mike discover that what they love most about each other are the identities they left at home, and their real journey, that of healing, begins.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Arthur and Mike
Fun On Clarinet
Dan Mackenzie: Writer
Dan Mackenzie: Performer
Brett Boyett: Writer
Brett Boyett: Performer
Josh Lit: Writer
Josh Lit: Performer
Some Things Just Stick In Your Mind
Mick Jagger: Writer
Vashti Bunyan: Performer
Concerto Grosso In A Minor 3/8 1. Allegro
Antonio Vivaldi: Composer
Better Than I
Madison Bunting: Writer
Michele Seidman: Performer

User reviews

Joshua Martin

The music choices felt generic and uninspired, lacking the nuance and subtlety needed to enhance the storytelling.

Richard Lee

The haunting melodies and evocative harmonies in the soundtrack evoke a sense of melancholy and introspection that beautifully complements the characters' inner struggles and emotional turmoil. The music effectively conveys the complexity of their experiences and adds an extra layer of depth to the narrative.

Melissa Parker

The musical choices in Arthur and Mike enhance the atmosphere of the film, immersing the audience in the characters' inner struggles and creating a hauntingly beautiful backdrop for their personal transformations.

James Jones

The score of Arthur and Mike effectively conveys the sense of longing and yearning for a fresh start that both Arthur and Mike are seeking. The music creates a haunting atmosphere that mirrors the characters' internal turmoil and desire for redemption.

Lisa Mitchell

Overall, the soundtrack fell short in conveying the raw emotions and inner turmoil of the characters, failing to create a strong connection between the audience and the film's narrative.

Ronald Thomas

The use of music in Arthur and Mike is subtle yet impactful, enhancing key moments in the narrative and deepening the audience's emotional connection to the characters. The soundtrack serves as a powerful storytelling tool, conveying the characters' emotions in a way that words alone cannot.

Dorothy Turner

The soundtrack of Arthur and Mike perfectly captures the emotional depth of the characters' journey towards self-discovery. The music enhances the melancholic tone of the story and adds layers of complexity to the characters' inner struggles.

Joseph Walker

The soundtrack of Arthur and Mike perfectly captures the emotional depth of the characters' journey towards self-discovery and healing. Each musical piece resonates with the themes of identity, loss, and redemption, enhancing the viewer's connection to the story.

Betty Lee

The soundtrack of Arthur and Mike perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' journeys, enhancing the storytelling and creating a powerful connection with the audience.

Melissa Nelson

Overall, the soundtrack of Arthur and Mike is a crucial element that elevates the film to a higher level, immersing the audience in the characters' emotional journey and creating a memorable viewing experience.

Timothy King

The music in Arthur and Mike effectively sets the tone for the film, creating a sense of melancholy and introspection that beautifully complements the themes of identity, self-discovery, and healing.

Timothy Gonzalez

The diverse range of musical styles and genres in the soundtrack of Arthur and Mike adds richness and texture to the storytelling, enhancing the overall cinematic experience. From soulful ballads to upbeat anthems, each track contributes to creating a compelling and immersive atmosphere that stays with the audience long after the movie ends.

Mark Nelson

The diverse selection of songs in the soundtrack of Arthur and Mike adds layers of depth to the narrative, evoking a range of emotions from nostalgia to hope, and enriching the viewing experience.

Linda Parker

The soundtrack of Arthur and Mike failed to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' journey towards self-discovery.

Donald Rodriguez

The soundtrack of Arthur and Mike is a standout feature of the film, showcasing the talent and creativity of the composers in crafting a memorable and evocative musical score that lingers long after the credits roll.