Breakfast of Champions Soundtrack (

Breakfast of Champions Soundtrack (1999) cover

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Rating: 4.60/10 from 8200 votes
Tags: science fiction writer
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

El desayuno de los campeones

Title in Italiano:

La colazione dei campioni

Title in Português:

Um Homem Influente


Breakfast of Champions is a novel by Kurt Vonnegut that tells the story of a meeting between two characters, Kilgore Trout and Dwayne Hoover. Trout is a struggling science fiction writer, while Hoover is a wealthy car dealer who becomes convinced that he is the only real person in the world. As Hoover descends into madness, Trout tries to help him see the truth about himself and the world around him.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Breakfast of Champions
Stranger in Paradise
Martin Denny: Performer
Chet Forrest: Writer
Forbidden Island
Martin Denny: Writer
Aku, Aku
Julius Wechter: Writer
Martin Denny: Performer
Martin Denny: Performer
Arden E. Clar: Writer
Martin Denny: Writer
Oro, God of Vengeance
Martin Denny: Performer
Martin Denny: Writer
Llama Serenade
Martin Denny: Performer
Charles Wolcott: Writer
Quiet Village
My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekau, Hawaii
Jungle Madness
Song of the Bayou
Kalua (Love Song of)
Nun's Chorus
Borrowed Borodin
Wedding Day
Mr. Rhythm Mover
Good Art Just Ahead
Martin Denny: Performer
Oro (God Of Vengeance)
Martin Denny: Performer

User reviews

Karen Allen

The eclectic mix of genres in the soundtrack mirrors the diverse themes explored in the story.

Patricia Robinson

The eclectic mix of genres and styles in the soundtrack of Breakfast of Champions is a true testament to the creative vision of the composers. From haunting melodies to upbeat rhythms, each song enhances the narrative and immerses the listener in the twisted world created by Kurt Vonnegut.

Patricia Wilson

The soundtrack effectively conveys the sense of disillusionment and existential crisis present in the novel.

Michelle Campbell

I found the soundtrack of Breakfast of Champions to be a bit lackluster and uninspired. While it did capture some of the eccentric and surreal elements of the novel, I felt that it fell short in creating a truly immersive and engaging listening experience. The music seemed to lack depth and failed to evoke the same emotional resonance that the story itself did.

Patricia Davis

The soundtrack of Breakfast of Champions perfectly captures the surreal and thought-provoking atmosphere of the novel. Each track seems to mirror the inner turmoil and confusion experienced by the characters, adding depth and emotion to the story.

Margaret Wright

I found the use of repetitive motifs and generic soundscapes in the soundtrack to be uninspiring and lacking in originality. It did not evoke the emotional resonance or intellectual engagement that I was expecting from a film adaptation of such a thought-provoking novel.

Michelle Scott

The soundtrack of Breakfast of Champions perfectly captures the surreal and chaotic atmosphere of the novel.

William Lewis

The soundtrack of Breakfast of Champions felt disjointed and confusing, failing to capture the complexity and depth of the novel's themes and characters. The music seemed out of place and distracting, rather than enhancing the storytelling experience.

Charles Carter

The haunting melodies linger in the mind long after listening, creating a lasting impact on the listener.

Edward Moore

On the other hand, I appreciated the experimental and avant-garde approach taken with the soundtrack of Breakfast of Champions. The unconventional use of sound effects and unusual musical arrangements added an extra layer of complexity to the storytelling, enhancing the overall experience of the novel. It was refreshing to hear a soundtrack that dared to push boundaries and challenge traditional conventions in film scoring.

Donald Thompson

The music beautifully complements the whimsical and dark humor found throughout the narrative, enhancing the overall storytelling experience.

Joseph Moore

The overall production quality of the music in Breakfast of Champions was subpar, with poor mixing and mastering that detracted from the overall viewing experience. I felt that the soundtrack did not do justice to the rich narrative and character development of the novel, leaving me feeling disappointed and disconnected from the story.

Kimberly Turner

The music enhances the emotional depth of the characters, especially during Dwayne Hoover's descent into madness.

Anthony Adams

The use of experimental sounds and unconventional instruments adds a unique and avant-garde touch to the music.