Burden Soundtrack (

Burden Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 6.70/10 from 4100 votes
Alternate Names:
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Title in Português:

Burden - A Redenção

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Title in Deutsch:



When a museum

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Smoke Signals
I Hope to Be Around
Until the Night Is Done
Quick Reflex
Ol' Sweet Day
Deep Flooding Waters
Manitoba Death Star
Northern Arm
Beck + Call
Peaceful Ghosts
Matter of time
Danny Wolfe
He Gave You a Smile
Swimming in Strange Waters
Life Is Pain, Pain Is Beauty
Connect the Lines
All My Life I Have Been Running
Catch And Release
Golden Boy
Dark of Love
San Francisco
Hard Road (Sam Roberts Cover)
Leaving on a Whim
When You Speak Her Name
So Long Farewell
Going Home
It is Well - Maths Time Joy Remix
Early Show
Pain and Misery
Blue Star
I Love Our Home
Away from You
Call Me the Breeze
Lynyrd Skynyrd: Performer
J.J. Cale: Writer
Symphony No 9 in D Minor Chord - Ode to Joy
Longing to Belong
Eddie Vedder: Performer
Without You
Eddie Vedder: Performer
Don't Owe You A Thang
Gary Clark Jr.: Writer
Gary Clark Jr.: Performer
Chris Stapleton: Writer
Chris Stapleton: Performer
Dead in the Driver's Seat
Christopher Guglick: Performer
David's Theme
Christopher Guglick: Performer
A Constant Reminder
Christopher Guglick: Performer
The Funeral
Christopher Guglick: Performer
Christopher Guglick: Performer
You're a Monster
Christopher Guglick: Performer
David's Breakdown
Christopher Guglick: Performer
One Good Memory
Christopher Guglick: Performer
Empty House
Christopher Guglick: Performer
David's Lament
Christopher Guglick: Performer
A Fresh Start
Christopher Guglick: Performer
Second Chance
Christopher Guglick: Performer
Beast of Burden Main Titles
Tim Jones: Performer
Packing Out
Tim Jones: Performer
You Should Apologize
Tim Jones: Performer
New Plan
Tim Jones: Performer
Hello Bloom
Tim Jones: Performer
Talking to Someone
Tim Jones: Performer
What Did You Do Today
Tim Jones: Performer
Drone Named Bruce
Tim Jones: Performer
Remembering Drugs
Tim Jones: Performer
Can't Shake It
Tim Jones: Performer
Give Me Your Passport
Tim Jones: Performer
Mr. Mallory
Tim Jones: Performer
Leave a Message
Tim Jones: Performer
John Rambo
Tim Jones: Performer
Love Your Wife
Tim Jones: Performer
Bye, Bye Mr. Drone
Tim Jones: Performer
Hands in the Air
Tim Jones: Performer
Bloom is Upset
Tim Jones: Performer
When Border Patrols Attack
Tim Jones: Performer
Lost the Baby
Tim Jones: Performer
Have to Kill Jen
Tim Jones: Performer
Have 20 Minutes
Tim Jones: Performer
Hard Landing
Tim Jones: Performer
Bloom Arrives
Tim Jones: Performer
Enter the Bog
Tim Jones: Performer
Killing Mallory
Tim Jones: Performer
Whiskey Tango
Tim Jones: Performer
Oiga, Comunista!
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
But Times Have Changed
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Economic Interests
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Human Rights Office
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Nunca Mas
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
He Is Old and Sick
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Military Logs
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
The Defense
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
The Verdict
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Ten Days Later
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Four Cases
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
In Numbers
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Last Day
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Many Good Deeds
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Carga de Paz
Mihkel Zilmer: Performer
Burden of Proof
Chuck Johnson: Performer
The Sisters
Chuck Johnson: Performer
Night of the Disappearance
Chuck Johnson: Performer
Take Him Down
Chuck Johnson: Performer
Officer Wendi
Chuck Johnson: Performer
The Note
Chuck Johnson: Performer
Ruth Ann
Chuck Johnson: Performer
Chuck Johnson: Performer
The Crawlspace
Chuck Johnson: Performer
More Surreal
Chuck Johnson: Performer
The Call
Chuck Johnson: Performer
Into a Corner
Chuck Johnson: Performer
December 2008
Chuck Johnson: Performer
Two Worlds
Chuck Johnson: Performer
Driving to Margie's
Chuck Johnson: Performer
Letters from the Attic
Chuck Johnson: Performer

User reviews

George Lopez

I appreciate the attention to detail in the production of each track, showcasing the talent of the composer.

Michelle Smith

I found the use of instrumental pieces in the soundtrack to be particularly powerful, as they effectively conveyed the emotions and themes of the story without the need for lyrics. The music spoke volumes on its own, creating a haunting and unforgettable atmosphere.

James Parker

The melodies are hauntingly beautiful and stay with you long after the film ends.

Michelle Turner

The use of different musical styles and instruments creates a rich and dynamic listening experience.

Patricia Martinez

The soundtrack of Burden is truly captivating and immersive, enhancing the emotional depth of the film.

Kenneth Smith

Each track in the soundtrack perfectly complements the scenes in the movie, adding layers of meaning and intensity.

James Evans

The way the music builds tension and suspense in key moments is masterfully done.

Daniel Rodriguez

The diversity of musical styles and genres in the soundtrack added layers of complexity to the film, showcasing the range of emotions and experiences depicted on screen. From somber and introspective melodies to uplifting and triumphant compositions, each track brought something unique to the table.

Karen Thomas

The soundtrack of Burden succeeds in evoking a wide range of emotions, from joy to sorrow, making it a truly impactful listening experience.

Laura Moore

Overall, the soundtrack of Burden is a testament to the artistry and talent of its composers. It adds a whole new dimension to the film, elevating the viewing experience to something truly unforgettable.

Stephanie Gonzalez

Each track in the soundtrack of Burden evokes a wide range of emotions, from sorrow to hope, making it a truly immersive listening experience. The composition is masterfully crafted, creating a seamless blend of different musical elements that keep the audience engaged throughout the film.

Edward Hill

Overall, the soundtrack of Burden left a lasting impression on me, proving to be a vital component in immersing myself in the world of the film. The music resonated with me long after the credits rolled, enhancing my appreciation for the storytelling and characters portrayed on screen.

Margaret White

The diversity in soundscapes throughout the soundtrack keeps the listener engaged and intrigued.

Kimberly Williams

The soundtrack of Burden is a perfect complement to the emotional journey portrayed in the film. The music captures the intensity and depth of the characters' struggles and triumphs, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Nancy Miller

The soundtrack of Burden is truly captivating. The music perfectly complements the emotional depth of the film, enhancing every scene with its haunting melodies and powerful crescendos.

Ashley Clark

Overall, the music in Burden elevates the film to a whole new level, demonstrating the power of a well-crafted soundtrack.