Clerks Soundtrack (

Clerks Soundtrack (1994) cover

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Rating: 7.70/10 from 231000 votes
Tags: convenience store, view askewniverse
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:


Title in Italiano:

Clerks - Commessi

Title in Français:

Clerks, les employés modèles

Title in Türk:


Title in Deutsch:

Clerks - Die Ladenhüter


Dante Hicks is not having a good day. He clerks in a small convenience store and is told to come into work on his day off. Dante thinks life is a series of down endings and this day proves to be no different. He reads in the newspaper that his ex-girlfriend Caitlin is getting married. His present girlfriend reveals to have somewhat more experience with sex that he thought. His principal concerns are the hockey game he has that afternoon and the wake for a friend who died. His buddy Randal Graves works as a clerk in the video store next door and he hates his job as much as Dante hates his.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Steve Smyth: Writer
Kill the Sex Player
Got Me Wrong
Jerry Cantrell: Writer
Alice in Chains: Performer
Making Me Sick
Tommy Stinson: Writer
Supernova: Performer
Go Your Own Way
Lindsey Buckingham: Writer
Seaweed: Performer
Panic in Cicero
The Jesus Lizard: Performer
The Jesus Lizard: Writer
Shooting Star
Paul Rodgers: Writer
Golden Smog: Performer
Leaders and Followers
Bad Religion: Performer
Greg Graffin: Writer
Violent Mood Swings
Stabbing Westward: Performer
Steve Smyth: Writer
Big Poblems
Can't Even Tell
David Pirner: Writer
Soul Asylum: Performer
Big Problems
Reed Mullin: Performer
Can't Even Tell
David Pirner: Performer

User reviews

Karen King

The soundtrack of Clerks perfectly captures the quirky and laid-back atmosphere of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Donna Thompson

The use of alternative and punk rock music in the soundtrack reflects the rebellious spirit of the main characters, adding a cool and edgy vibe to the film.

Elizabeth Martin

The soundtrack of Clerks felt disconnected from the tone and atmosphere of the movie. The music choices did not enhance the scenes or help to build emotional connections with the characters, leaving me feeling like it was a missed opportunity to elevate the storytelling.

Michelle Johnson

The soundtrack of Clerks perfectly captures the mundane and relatable struggles of the main characters, adding depth and realism to the film.

James Hall

I found the repetitive use of certain tracks in the soundtrack of Clerks to be distracting and annoying. Instead of adding depth to the film, it felt like the same few songs were on a loop, detracting from my overall enjoyment of the movie. It lacked creativity and originality in its musical selection.

Dorothy Moore

Overall, the music in Clerks serves as a powerful storytelling tool, enhancing the themes and emotions of the film while also providing an enjoyable auditory experience for the audience.

Andrew Clark

The instrumental tracks in the soundtrack help to set the tone for different scenes, enhancing the overall mood and atmosphere of the film.

David Hernandez

The soundtrack of Clerks effectively sets the tone for each scene, enhancing the humor, drama, and relatability of the story, making it a memorable and enjoyable aspect of the film.

Carol Nelson

The music in Clerks effectively complements the dialogue and action on screen, creating a cohesive and engaging viewing experience.

James Anderson

The choice of songs in the soundtrack adds depth to the characters and their emotions, creating a more immersive connection with the audience.

Anthony Baker

The use of music in key moments of the film adds emotional depth and resonance to the storyline, making the audience connect on a deeper level with the characters.

Ashley Adams

The soundtrack of Clerks showcases the director's keen eye for selecting songs that enhance the narrative and elevate the overall viewing experience.

Carol Green

The use of punk and alternative rock songs in the soundtrack brings a rebellious and edgy vibe to the movie, reflecting the characters' dissatisfaction with their lives.

Patricia Martin

The soundtrack features a blend of well-known tracks and lesser-known gems, giving the film a unique and memorable musical identity.

Susan Thomas

The songs selected for the soundtrack are a great mix of genres, providing a diverse listening experience that matches the eclectic personalities of the characters.