Crazy Rich Asians Soundtrack (

Crazy Rich Asians Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 6.90/10 from 191000 votes
Tags: nouveau riche, materialism, rich man poor woman, elitism, taiwan
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Crazy Rich Asians

Title in Italiano:

Crazy & Rich

Title in Português:

Asiáticos Doidos e Ricos


After dating for a year and becoming serious, Rachel Chu, an Economics Professor specializing in game theory at NYU, and her boyfriend Nick Young, who have a modest existence as per their income, are traveling to Singapore for the wedding of Nick's best friend Colin and his fiancée Araminta.

The trip will be the first time Rachel will meet Nick's Asia-residing friends and family; he grew up in Singapore and has only spoken of his family in general terms. As she gets closer and closer to meeting Nick's family, Rachel slowly realizes that he comes from an extremely wealthy background. He has never mentioned anything about this and his life in New York has never shown any indication that his family is old-money and one of the most powerful families in Singapore.

Rachel finds that her time in Singapore is like a fishbowl, especially on the speculation of who Nick, the most sought-after of Singapore bachelors, would marry. She also finds that many people in Nick's Singaporean circle are against her being in his life; at the top of this list is his mother Eleanor; she blames Rachel not only for Nick not returning home a year earlier like he had planned, but also that Rachel might not be appropriate support to Nick's heir-apparent role as head of the Young Corporation.

With some of Nick's friends and family on her side, specifically his cousin Astrid who married outside of their class for love, and her main support in Singapore being her new-money college friend Peik Lin Goh, Rachel must decide whether the situation with Nick's family is worth fighting, or if the price for Nick is too high for her to be in his life in the long term.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Crazy Rich Asians
Waiting for Your Return
Jasmine Chen: Performer
Christopher Tin: Produced and arranged
Money (That's What I Want)
Janie Bradford: Writer
Cheryl K: Performer
The Math Club: Produced
Chun Feng Chui Kai Wo De Xin (Spring Breeze Opens My Heart)
Ryôichi Hattori: Writer
Grace Chang: Performer
Hold On Together
The Excitements: Performer
Blues for Jean
Neal Hefti: Writer
Wo Yao Ni De Ai (I Want Your Love - I Want You to Be My Baby)
Grace Chang: Performer
Jon Hendricks: Writer
You're All I Need to Get By
Marvin Gaye: Performer
Nick Ashford: Writer
Chang Hai
Jasmine Chen: Performer
Christopher Tin: Produced and arranged
Toyohisa Araki: Writer
Give Me a Kiss
Jasmine Chen: Performer
Alden Shuman: Writer
The Math Club: Produced
Tian Mi Mi
Teresa Teng: Performer
Ren Sheng Jiu Shi Xi
Di-Yi Chen: Writer
Blooming Flowers and the Full Moon
Yijun Huang: Writer
Xuan Zhou: Performer
How Bout U (Asian Remix)
Wo Yao Fei Shang Qing Tian
Material Girl (200 Du)
The Evening Primrose
Can't Help Falling in Love
When Love Is Far Away
Wo Ai Qia Qia
Crazy Rich Asians: Love Theme
Brian Tyler: Performer
Text Ting Swing
Brian Tyler: Performer
Approaching the Palace
Brian Tyler: Performer
Brian Tyler: Performer
Brian Tyler: Performer
Astrid and the Earrings
Brian Tyler: Performer
Arrival in Singapore
Brian Tyler: Performer
Rainy Nights in London
Brian Tyler: Performer
Rachel's Story
Brian Tyler: Performer
Shopping Spree
Brian Tyler: Performer
First Class
Brian Tyler: Performer
Hide the Jimmy Choos
Brian Tyler: Performer
Cousin Eddie and Cousin Alistair
Brian Tyler: Performer
Brian Tyler: Performer
We'll Get Through It Together
Brian Tyler: Performer
Astrid and Rachel
Brian Tyler: Performer
Without Reservation
Brian Tyler: Performer
Family First
Brian Tyler: Performer
Lost in the Jungle
Brian Tyler: Performer
Lunch on the Goh
Brian Tyler: Performer
Parallel Decisions
Brian Tyler: Performer
Running Away
Brian Tyler: Performer
Because of Me
Brian Tyler: Performer
Jubilee Bop
Brian Tyler: Performer

User reviews

Stephanie Young

The emotional depth of the soundtrack enhances the romantic and dramatic moments in the film, making them even more impactful.

Thomas Perez

The incorporation of both instrumental pieces and vocal tracks creates a dynamic listening experience that mirrors the diverse themes of the movie.

Kimberly Green

The soundtrack of Crazy Rich Asians perfectly captures the opulence and sophistication of the Singaporean high society depicted in the film. The blend of traditional Asian music with modern pop tunes creates a vibrant and luxurious atmosphere that immerses the audience in the world of the characters.

Paul Parker

Overall, the soundtrack of Crazy Rich Asians is a standout feature of the film, elevating the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Daniel Lewis

The soundtrack of Crazy Rich Asians perfectly captures the essence of the film, blending traditional Asian music with modern pop seamlessly.

Elizabeth Moore

The music perfectly complements the lavish and glamorous scenes of the film, adding an extra layer of sophistication to the visuals.

Jennifer King

The music selection in Crazy Rich Asians enhances the emotional depth of the storyline, particularly in moments of tension and conflict between the characters. The use of sweeping orchestral pieces and evocative ballads effectively conveys the complexity of the relationships and challenges faced by the protagonists.

Linda Evans

The soundtrack of Crazy Rich Asians not only complements the visual spectacle of the film but also stands on its own as a remarkable collection of songs that evoke a wide range of emotions. From joyous celebration to heart-wrenching introspection, the music adds an extra layer of richness to the storytelling, making it a memorable and immersive cinematic experience.

Susan Baker

The songs chosen for key moments in the movie are not only beautiful but also help to convey the complex emotions of the characters effectively.

Nancy Clark

The soundtrack features a mix of established artists and emerging talents, providing a platform for Asian musicians to shine on a global stage.

Charles Adams

The use of Mandarin and Cantonese songs in the soundtrack adds authenticity to the Singaporean setting of the movie.

Patricia Williams

The soundtrack showcases a wide range of musical styles, from classical orchestral arrangements to contemporary pop hits, catering to a broad audience.