Deception Soundtrack (

Deception Soundtrack (2013) cover

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Rating: 7.80/10 from 129000 votes
Tags: art auction
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La mejor oferta

Title in Italiano:

La migliore offerta

Title in Português:

A Melhor Oferta

Title in Français:

The Best Offer

Title in Türk:

En Iyi Teklif

Title in Deutsch:

Das höchste Gebot


In the world of high-end art auctions and antiques, Virgil Oldman is an elderly and esteemed but eccentric genius art-expert, known and appreciated by the world. Oldman is hired by solitary young heiress Claire Ibbetson to auction off the large collection of art and antiques left to her by her parents. For some reason, Claire always refuses to be seen in person. Robert aids Oldman in restoring and reassembling some odd mechanical parts he finds among Claire's belongings, while also giving him advice on how to befriend her and deal with his feelings towards her. Another friend of Oldman's, Billy Whistler, helps him to acquire a secret private collection of master paintings.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Der Hohenfriedberger
Der Königgrätzer Marsch
Preussens Gloria
Großer Zapfenstreich
K.K.K. Infanterieregiment
Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
Schwarzbraun ist die Haselnuss
Lore, Lore
Wir lagen vor Madagaskar
Der mächtigste König im Luftrevier
Ein Heller und ein Batzen
Wenn die Soldaten...
Im Wald, im grünen Walde
Märkische Heide
Alte Kameraden
Wenn wir marschieren
Kehr ich einst zur Heimat wieder
Preussischer Präsentiermarsch
Es ist so schön Soldat zu sein, Rosemarie
Zehntausend Mann, die zogen in's Manöver, Medley
Männerchor: Artist
Blasorchester: Artist
Blinkende Spaten
Petersburger Marsch
Die blauen Dragoner
Es woll ein Mädchen früh aufsteh’n
Ich ging einmal spazieren
Heil dir im Siegerkranz
Thomas Arne: Artist
Heinrich Harries: Artist
Schwer mit den Schätzen des Orients beladen
Mädel gib mir Deine Hand
In einem Polenstädtchen
Jetzt kommen die lustigen Tage
Die ganze Kompanie
Gruß an Kiel
Wohlauf, Kameraden
Es war ein Edelweiß
Funkerlied (Alle aufgepasst, alle Schritt gefasst)
Drei Lilien
Augen geradeaus
Des Grossen Kurfürsten Reitermarsch
Der alte Dessauer
Graf Zeppelin-Marsch

User reviews

Betty Lee

The musical score of Deception showcases the talent and expertise of the composer in crafting a cohesive and memorable soundtrack that complements the visual storytelling of the film. The intricate harmonies and melodic motifs enhance the thematic elements of the story and elevate the overall cinematic impact of the movie.

Richard Baker

The use of classical music in the film's soundtrack adds a timeless and sophisticated feel to the story. The elegant compositions enhance the atmosphere of the art world and bring a sense of history and tradition to the narrative, making it feel more rich and immersive.

Kimberly Walker

The soundtrack of Deception does a good job of setting the mysterious and elegant tone of the film. The music perfectly complements the high-end art world setting, creating a sense of sophistication and intrigue that keeps the audience engaged throughout.

Laura Perez

The emotional depth of the soundtrack in Deception is truly captivating. The music effectively conveys the complexities of the characters' relationships and inner struggles, adding a layer of depth and nuance to the storytelling. The score beautifully enhances the emotional impact of key moments in the film, making the viewing experience more poignant and memorable.

Nancy Hall

The music in Deception effectively conveys the emotional depth of the characters, especially the complex relationship between Virgil Oldman and Claire Ibbetson. The haunting melodies and poignant themes enhance the storytelling and evoke a sense of empathy towards the characters.

Stephanie Roberts

The use of unique instruments and sound textures in the soundtrack of Deception adds an element of originality and creativity to the overall cinematic experience. The blending of classical music with modern influences creates a dynamic and immersive listening experience for the audience.

Charles Clark

The soundtrack of Deception perfectly captures the mysterious and sophisticated atmosphere of the high-end art world portrayed in the film. The elegant orchestral arrangements create a sense of intrigue and suspense that keeps the audience engaged throughout the movie.