Don King: Only in America Soundtrack (

Don King: Only in America Soundtrack (1997) cover

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Rating: 7.00/10 from 1400 votes
Tags: promoter
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Don King: Only in America

Title in Português:

Don King: O Dono dos Ringues

Title in Français:

Don King: Seulement en Amérique

Title in Türk:

Don King: Only in America


Don King: Only in America is a biographical film that tells the story of the legendary boxing promoter, Don King. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, King rose from humble beginnings to become one of the most influential figures in the world of boxing.

The film explores King's controversial rise to power, his relationships with some of the biggest names in boxing, and the scandals that have surrounded his career. Despite facing numerous legal battles and accusations of corruption, King has managed to maintain his status as a prominent figure in the sport.

Don King: Only in America delves into the complexities of King's character, portraying him as a charismatic and enigmatic figure who has left an indelible mark on the world of boxing. The film offers a fascinating look at the man behind the legend, shedding light on the triumphs and tribulations that have shaped his career.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Don King: Only in America
Stagger Lee
Anthony Marinelli: Arrangement
Anthony Marinelli: Produced
Harold Logan: Writer
Vondie Curtis-Hall: Performer
Anthony Marinelli: Produced
Anthony Marinelli: Arrangement
Harold Logan: Writer
Carmen Fantasy
Anthony Marinelli: Arrangement
Anthony Marinelli: Produced
Pablo de Sarasate: Writer
Bruce Dukov: Performer

User reviews

George Thompson

Overall, the music in the film contributes significantly to the overall viewing experience, enriching the storytelling and immersing the audience in the world of Don King and professional boxing.

Carol Scott

The use of music in key scenes adds a layer of authenticity and resonance to the narrative, making the audience connect on a deeper level with King's struggles and achievements.

Anthony Green

The choice of songs felt out of place at times, disrupting the flow of the narrative and detracting from the overall viewing experience. I wished for a more cohesive and impactful soundtrack that could have heightened the powerful moments in King's journey, but unfortunately, the music fell short of expectations.

Deborah Mitchell

The music in the film effectively enhances the emotional impact of key moments, evoking a sense of nostalgia, excitement, and introspection that resonates with the audience.

James Nelson

The use of instrumentation in the music is masterfully executed, with each instrument contributing to the overall mood and atmosphere of the film in a harmonious and impactful way.

Joseph Martinez

The memorable themes and motifs in the music linger in the mind long after watching the film, serving as a poignant reminder of the resilience and tenacity of Don King in the face of adversity.

Robert Lopez

The music enhances the storytelling of the film by conveying the emotional depth of King's rise to power and the challenges he faced along the way.

Andrew King

The soundtrack's blend of instrumental and vocal tracks creates a dynamic listening experience that mirrors the dynamic nature of King's career.

Susan Adams

The emotional resonance of the music in the film adds a layer of complexity to King's character, showcasing his humanity and vulnerabilities amidst his larger-than-life persona.

Daniel Martinez

The soundtrack captures the essence of the era in which Don King operated, transporting viewers to the vibrant and tumultuous world of professional boxing in the past.

Emily Phillips

The seamless integration of the soundtrack with the on-screen action demonstrates a keen sense of musical storytelling, creating a cohesive and immersive viewing experience for the audience.

John Garcia

Each track in the soundtrack is thoughtfully curated to underscore the pivotal scenes in Don King's life, providing a cohesive and immersive auditory journey for the audience.

Charles Jackson

The diverse range of musical styles used in the soundtrack adds depth and richness to the storytelling, creating a dynamic and engaging auditory experience for viewers.

Kenneth Jones

The composition of the score showcases a high level of artistry and craftsmanship, demonstrating a deep understanding of how music can elevate and complement the narrative of a biographical film.

Timothy Clark

The soundtrack features a mix of energetic and reflective pieces that complement the different aspects of Don King's personality portrayed in the movie.

Emily Williams

The music in the film enhances the storytelling by creating a compelling and emotional backdrop for the audience. The combination of stirring melodies and powerful rhythms adds depth and intensity to the narrative, making the viewing experience even more engaging and impactful.