Don't Move Soundtrack (

Don't Move Soundtrack (2004) cover

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Rating: 7.10/10 from 8500 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

No te muevas

Title in Italiano:

Non ti muovere

Title in Português:

Não te Movas


"Don't Move" is a horror film that follows a group of friends who decide to play a dangerous game of hide and seek in an abandoned mansion. As they navigate through the dark and eerie corridors, they soon realize that they are not alone. They are being hunted by a malevolent entity that feeds on their fear and desperation. As the night progresses, the friends must fight to survive and outsmart their supernatural pursuer before it's too late. Will they make it out alive, or will they fall victim to the sinister forces at play in the mansion?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Don't Move
Un senso
Vasco Rossi: Performer
Gaetano Curreri: Composer
If it be your will
Leonard Cohen: Performer
Leonard Cohen: Writer

User reviews

Andrew Parker

The soundtrack effectively builds tension during key moments, heightening the emotional impact of the scenes and immersing the viewer deeper into the story.

Elizabeth Anderson

The memorable motifs and recurring themes in the music help to establish a sense of continuity and cohesion within the film, tying the narrative together in a cohesive and impactful way.

Brian Lopez

On the other hand, some tracks in the soundtrack of Don't Move felt repetitive and predictable, failing to offer any new surprises or emotional depth to the scenes. While the overall mood was maintained, a lack of variety in the musical themes made certain moments feel flat and uninspired, detracting from the overall impact of the film.

Michelle Walker

The variety of musical styles and tones in the soundtrack reflects the different moods and emotions experienced by the characters, adding depth to their development.

Deborah Young

The haunting vocals and distorted instruments in certain tracks create a sense of impending doom, making the audience feel the same fear as the characters in the film.

Brian Miller

The dynamic range of the soundtrack, from subtle whispers to intense crescendos, mirrors the unpredictable nature of the supernatural entity stalking the characters, keeping viewers guessing and engaged.

John Martin

In my opinion, the music in Don't Move often felt disconnected from the on-screen action, failing to effectively build tension or create a sense of dread. There were moments when the soundtrack seemed out of sync with the events unfolding on screen, which detracted from the immersive quality of the film and diminished the impact of key scenes.

Dorothy Perez

The soundtrack of Don't Move felt repetitive and lacked variety, with the same tense and suspenseful musical cues being used repeatedly throughout the film. This made the overall viewing experience feel monotonous and predictable, failing to enhance the atmosphere or elevate the scares.

Anthony Wilson

Overall, the soundtrack of Don't Move is a vital component of the film's success, elevating the storytelling and contributing to the overall chilling and unforgettable experience for viewers.

Deborah Anderson

The soundtrack of Don't Move perfectly captures the tense and terrifying atmosphere of the film, enhancing the overall sense of dread and suspense.

William Walker

The use of eerie sound effects and unsettling melodies in the music adds a layer of unease that keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the movie.

Sarah Green

The soundtrack of Don't Move effectively heightens the tension and suspense throughout the film. The eerie and atmospheric music perfectly complements the dark and haunting setting of the abandoned mansion, creating a sense of unease and foreboding that keeps the audience on edge.

William Hall

The seamless integration of music with the visuals enhances the overall cinematic experience, creating a cohesive and immersive audiovisual journey for the audience.