Girl on the Train Soundtrack (

Girl on the Train Soundtrack (2009) cover

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Rating: 6.00/10 from 1600 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La chica del tren


The Girl on the Train

Jeanne is a young woman, striking but otherwise without qualities. Her mother tries to get her a job in the office of a lawyer, Bleistein, her lover years ago. Jeanne fails the interview but falls into a relationship with Franck, a wrestler whose dreams and claims of being in a legitimate business partnership Jeanne is only too happy to believe. When Franck is arrested, he turns on Jeanne for her naivety; she's stung and seeks attention by making up a story of an attack on a train. Is there any way out for her? In a subplot, Bleistein's grandson, Nathan, prepares for his bar mitzvah and, through an encounter with Jeanne, experiences intimations of manhood.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Girl on the Train
Lay Lady Lay
Bob Dylan: Performer
Bob Dylan: Writer
Archive: Performer
Darius Keeler: Writer
Concerti da Camera vol 2
Antonio Vivaldi: Performer
Il Giardino Armonico: Performer
Stabat Mater
Antonio Vivaldi: Performer
Andreas Scholl: Performer
Chiara Banchini: Conducted
Israel in Egypt - The Exodus: He smote all the first-born of Egypt
George Frideric Handel: Performer
Arcadia Ensemble: Performer
Kevin Mallon: Conducted
Lyrische Suite (1927)
Alban Berg: Performer
Tunnelmouth Blues
Bright Lights

User reviews

Deborah Walker

The Girl on the Train's soundtrack failed to enhance the emotional depth of the film, with generic and forgettable background music that did not capture the intensity of the characters' struggles.

Donna White

The Girl on the Train's soundtrack is haunting and atmospheric, perfectly capturing the tension and mystery of the film. The use of subtle instrumentation and eerie melodies enhances the suspenseful moments and keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Andrew Anderson

The soundtrack of Girl on the Train perfectly captures the emotional depth of the characters' journeys, enhancing the viewing experience for the audience.

Donna Davis

Overall, the soundtrack of The Girl on the Train is a standout element of the movie, providing a captivating and immersive auditory experience that complements the narrative and engages the viewer on a deeper level.

Joshua Adams

The soundtrack of The Girl on the Train seamlessly blends with the cinematography, creating a cohesive audiovisual experience for the audience. The music enhances key moments in the film, adding layers of complexity to the storytelling.

Nancy Adams

The music evokes a sense of unease and suspense, perfectly mirroring the inner turmoil and complexities of the characters, making it a standout element of the film.

Jennifer Smith

The Girl on the Train soundtrack perfectly captures the suspenseful and mysterious atmosphere of the movie. The use of haunting melodies and eerie sound effects enhances the overall tension of the film.

Edward Nelson

Each track complements the scenes seamlessly, creating a haunting and atmospheric ambiance that lingers long after the movie ends.

Amanda Mitchell

The music choices felt disconnected from the storyline, lacking cohesion and failing to create a cohesive atmosphere that would draw viewers further into the narrative.

William Wilson

Overall, the soundtrack of The Girl on the Train missed the opportunity to elevate the viewing experience, leaving a lackluster impression that did not contribute positively to the overall impact of the film.

Ashley King

The music in The Girl on the Train effectively conveys the emotional turmoil of the main character, Jeanne. The melancholic tones and somber themes mirror Jeanne's inner struggles and add depth to her character development.

Kenneth Taylor

One of the standout aspects of The Girl on the Train's soundtrack is how it effectively conveys the emotional turmoil and inner struggles of the characters. The music reflects the complexities of the storyline, adding depth and nuance to the film's narrative. The emotional resonance of the soundtrack enhances the viewer's connection to the characters and their journeys.