Girl, Positive Soundtrack (

Girl, Positive Soundtrack (2007) cover

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Rating: 6.60/10 from 1300 votes
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Girl, Positive


Rachel (Andrea Bowen), a high school girl, seems to have the life that most people envy: she has a steady boyfriend, some great friends, and a place on the school's soccer team. Preparing for college and separating from her boyfriend are the main worries of this teen, as she lives a carefree life like most girls her age.

However, Rachel's world falls apart the day she discovers that Jason (Eric von Detton), a former sexual partner of hers that died an untimely death, was in fact HIV positive and an IV drug user. She immediately goes to an AIDS clinic to get a rapid test, which unfortunately comes back positive.

Devastated by the fact that she may actually be infected with the virus, Rachel then confides in her substitute teacher, Sarah (Jennie Garth), who has secretly been living with the disease for years. But both young women are about to find out their secrets will not be kept secret for very long, as word begins to spread throughout their high school and rumors fly, making some of these students realize that they may not be as "clean" as they think they are.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Girl, Positive
Mrs. Darcy - From "Pride and Prejudice"
Suite Bergamasque, L. 75: III. Clair De Lune
Girls Like You
All I Want
If It Be Your Will
I'm Not Rich
Moon River(Vocal Audrey Hepburn)
Breakfast At Tiffany's
Hannah Hunt
Should I See You Again
Tiny Dancer
Roadkill Morning
Shape Shifter
High Hopes
Come On
Dead Hearts
Vampire's Kiss
Son Of Sam
Lost In The Light
Nine Months
Silo Song
Just A Boy
I Just Want Your Jeans
Unbelievers - 'Seeburg Drum Machine' Mix
Please Don't Say You Love Me
Chasing Pavements
Leaves Fall
Rock Star (Movie Version)
Go Far (From Mystery Show)
Rom-Com Gone Wrong
First Day of My Life
Song To Sing When I'm Lonely
Til The Morning
Rollin' Around
Soul Trippin
Anne with an E
There She Goes
You Think I Don't Care
Oh My Love
Passing Through
haikuesque (when she laughs)
This City
I Could Get Used to This
Black Gloves
Come and Go (Featuring Danica Rozelle)
Life With Grace
The Fear
Time Means Nothing At All
I'll Have To Dance With Cassie
Closer to You
Kari Kimmel: Performer
Kari Kimmel: Writer

User reviews

Paul Green

The variety of musical styles and genres in the soundtrack reflects the diverse emotions and experiences of the characters in the film.

Amanda Gonzalez

I found the soundtrack of Girl, Positive to be underwhelming and lacking emotional depth. The music did not effectively enhance the powerful and emotional moments of the storyline.

Donna Smith

The music in the film enhances the tension and drama of the storyline, keeping the audience engaged and on edge.

Brian Anderson

Additionally, some of the song choices felt out of place and didn't seem to match the tone of the scenes they were paired with. This inconsistency detracted from the overall viewing experience and failed to create a cohesive atmosphere.

Steven Martin

Overall, the soundtrack of Girl, Positive is a standout element of the film, effectively enhancing the storytelling and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Steven Scott

The soundtrack of Girl, Positive effectively captures the emotional rollercoaster that Rachel experiences after finding out she may be HIV positive.

Joseph Scott

The song choices in Girl, Positive are not only catchy but also serve to underscore the themes of love, friendship, and resilience.

Donna Green

The use of subtle and poignant melodies in key moments of the movie adds depth to the characters' struggles and inner turmoil.

Karen Walker

The use of poignant and somber melodies in key moments of the film enhances the gravity of Rachel's situation and her struggle to come to terms with her new reality. The soundtrack succeeds in evoking empathy and compassion from the audience towards the characters' experiences.

Melissa Martin

Overall, the soundtrack of Girl, Positive complements the narrative by adding depth and emotional resonance to the story. The music plays a crucial role in conveying the complexities of the characters' inner turmoil and the challenges they face in dealing with the stigma surrounding HIV.

Laura Perez

The soundtrack of Girl, Positive effectively sets the tone for the emotional rollercoaster that Rachel goes through. The music captures the innocence and carefree spirit of her teenage years before her life is turned upside down by the HIV diagnosis.

William Allen

The music perfectly complements the performances of the actors, enhancing the overall viewing experience and emotional impact of the story.

Michael Garcia

The soundtrack helps to convey the message of HIV awareness and destigmatization in a powerful and impactful way.

Jennifer Miller

Overall, I was disappointed with the soundtrack of Girl, Positive as it failed to effectively complement the impactful themes and messages of the movie.