Good Neighbours Soundtrack (

Good Neighbours Soundtrack (2010) cover

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Rating: 5.80/10 from 6000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Buenos vecinos

Title in Italiano:

Good Neighbours

Title in Português:

O Suspeito Mora ao Lado


Good Neighbours

In Notre-Dame-de-Grâce a.k.a. NDG, a residential neighborhood of Montreal, a serial-killer has raped and murdered three victims. In an old apartment building, the new tenant of the fourth floor Victor has just arrived from China with his cat Balthazar and befriends the waitress of a Chinese restaurant Louise that lives on the second floor with her two beloved cats Mozart and Tia Maria and the handicap Spencer that is in a wheelchair and lives on the first floor.

Louise is on edge with the news about the murders in her neighborhood and Victor, who is an elementary school teacher, brings her home everyday after the working period and falls in love with her. Meanwhile, their alcoholic neighbor Valérie Langlois hates Louise's cats and on the Christmas night, she poisons the pets. Louise decides to revenge against Valerie simulating an attack of the serial-killer. But when she is returning home, she meets the real killer and Victor also sees him. When the police detective and the smart Behavioral Psychologist Roland Brandt arrive in the building to investigate, all the three neighbors become suspects.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Good Neighbours
Oeil Pour Oeil
Malajube: Writer
Sow Some Lonesome Corners So Many Flowers Bloom
Efrim Menuck: Writer
Thee Silver Mt Zion: Performer
Microphones in the Trees
Efrim Menuck: Writer
Thee Silver Mt Zion: Performer
Legends, Op. 59 Nos. 1-5 Molto Moderato
Antonín Dvorák: Composer
Stephen Gunzenhauser: Conducted
Legends, Op. 59 Nos. 1-5 Allegro Gusto
Antonín Dvorák: Composer
Stephen Gunzenhauser: Conducted
Symphony No. 1 Allegro
Antonín Dvorák: Composer
Stephen Gunzenhauser: Conducted
Symphony No. 1 Finale: Allegretto
Antonín Dvorák: Composer
Stephen Gunzenhauser: Conducted
Il est né
Kate McGarrigle: Performer
Kate McGarrigle: Writer

User reviews

Ashley Hall

Furthermore, the choice of musical themes often felt disconnected from the setting of Montreal, failing to create a sense of place and atmosphere that could have enriched the viewing experience. The soundtrack missed an opportunity to incorporate elements of the city's culture and history, leaving the audience feeling detached from the story's location.

Lisa Martin

The use of subtle and haunting melodies in the soundtrack enhances the psychological thriller elements of the movie, keeping the audience on edge throughout.

William Rodriguez

The sound design in Good Neighbours is top-notch, with each musical cue perfectly timed to heighten the suspense and drama of the unfolding events.

Patricia Anderson

The soundtrack of Good Neighbours failed to capture the suspense and tension of the storyline. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the emotional depth needed to enhance the scenes of fear and mystery in the film.

Emily Garcia

The use of music in key moments of the movie, such as the Christmas night sequence, adds a layer of emotional depth and intensity to the storytelling.

Elizabeth Campbell

The music in Good Neighbours successfully captures the sense of isolation and paranoia that permeates the story, drawing the audience deeper into the characters' psychological struggles.

John Scott

The soundtrack features memorable themes and motifs that stay with the viewer long after the movie has ended, adding to the overall impact of the film.

Susan Taylor

Overall, the soundtrack of Good Neighbours is a vital component of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience and helping to immerse the audience in the chilling world of the story.

Margaret Walker

The soundtrack seamlessly blends different musical styles, from haunting melodies to more upbeat rhythms, creating a diverse and engaging auditory experience.

Michael King

The music in Good Neighbours effectively builds tension during key moments, such as the reveal of the killer or the climactic scenes of revenge and confrontation.

Michelle Martinez

The soundtrack of Good Neighbours effectively creates a tense and suspenseful atmosphere that matches the dark and gritty storyline of the film.

Mary White

The soundtrack features a mix of traditional instruments and electronic elements, creating a unique and modern sound that fits well with the urban setting of the film.

Donald Thompson

The musical score complements the character development in the film, providing insight into the inner thoughts and motivations of the main characters.

Margaret Hill

Overall, the music in Good Neighbours plays a crucial role in setting the mood and tone of the story, making it a standout element of the film that deserves recognition.

Lisa Harris

The soundtrack complements the character development in the film, adding depth and emotion to the relationships between the neighbors in the apartment building.

Amanda Robinson

The soundtrack of Good Neighbours effectively captures the tense and suspenseful atmosphere of the film, enhancing the viewer's experience.