Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere! Soundtrack (

Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere! Soundtrack (2009) cover

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Rating: 4.80/10 from 1400 votes
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Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere! is a German comedy film about a journalist named Horst Schlämmer who decides to run for Chancellor of Germany.

The film follows Horst as he embarks on a hilarious campaign trail, encountering various challenges and obstacles along the way. With his unique personality and unconventional approach to politics, Horst quickly becomes a media sensation.

As the election draws near, Horst must navigate the world of politics and deal with the pressures of running for office. Will he be able to win over the hearts of the German people and become the next Chancellor?

Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere! is a satirical take on the world of politics, filled with humor and wit. It offers a fresh perspective on the political landscape and the absurdities of campaigning.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere!
Isch kandidiere!
Hape Kerkeling: Lyrics
Achim Hagemann: Performer
Ich denke nur noch an mich
Hape Kerkeling: Performer
Hape Kerkeling: Lyrics
Hape Kerkeling: Lyrics
Achim Hagemann: Performer
Schlämmer-Bushido Rap
Bushido: Performer
Bushido: Lyrics

User reviews

David Harris

Each track in the soundtrack complements the storyline and characters, creating a dynamic and entertaining atmosphere that immerses the audience in Horst's hilarious campaign journey.

Andrew Scott

I found the soundtrack of Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere! to be quite underwhelming and uninspiring. The music failed to capture the essence of the film's comedic and satirical elements, leaving me feeling disconnected from the storyline.

Margaret Baker

The music in the film effectively sets the tone for Horst Schlämmer's unconventional journey into politics, adding a layer of whimsy and charm to his campaign antics.

Sarah Clark

The soundtrack does a great job of capturing the essence of Horst Schlämmer's character through its quirky and eccentric musical choices, enhancing the audience's connection to the protagonist.

Stephanie Hall

I found the music in the film to be a standout element, as it effectively underscores the comedic moments and highlights the absurdity of the political campaign portrayed in Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere!

Kenneth Walker

Additionally, I felt that the soundtrack lacked diversity and originality, with many of the songs sounding generic and forgettable. It failed to enhance the overall viewing experience and failed to leave a lasting impression on me as a viewer.

William Smith

The use of different musical styles and genres in the soundtrack adds a dynamic and diverse feel to the overall listening experience, keeping the audience on their toes and intrigued.

Karen Nelson

The soundtrack of the film showcases a clever mix of traditional and modern musical elements, creating a unique and memorable listening experience that complements the on-screen action.

John Lopez

The soundtrack features a variety of upbeat and energetic tracks that mirror the fast-paced and chaotic nature of Horst's campaign trail, keeping the audience engaged and entertained.

Betty Scott

Overall, the music in Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere! adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the film, making it a well-rounded and entertaining experience for viewers.

Daniel Smith

The soundtrack of Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere! perfectly captures the comedic essence of the film, with playful and lighthearted melodies that enhance the humorous moments throughout.

Mark Rodriguez

The soundtrack of Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere! perfectly captures the comedic essence of the film, enhancing the satirical take on politics with lively and engaging musical pieces.

Joseph Lee

The music selection in the film is both clever and fitting, adding an extra layer of humor and wit to the already amusing scenes. It elevates the overall viewing experience and contributes to the film's success in delivering a fresh and enjoyable perspective on the world of politics.

Edward Parker

I appreciate how the music in Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere! complements the satirical elements of the film, adding an extra layer of depth to the political humor presented on screen.