Lars and the Real Girl Soundtrack (

Lars and the Real Girl Soundtrack (2007) cover

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Rating: 7.30/10 from 155000 votes
Tags: in love with an inanimate object
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Lars y una chica de verdad

Title in Italiano:

Lars e una ragazza tutta sua

Title in Português:

Lars e o Verdadeiro Amor


Lars and the Real Girl is a heartwarming comedy-drama film that tells the story of Lars Lindstrom, a socially awkward young man who lives in a small town in Wisconsin. Lars is extremely shy and introverted, and he struggles to connect with others, including his family and coworkers.

One day, Lars surprises everyone by introducing them to his new girlfriend, Bianca. The catch? Bianca is a life-sized doll that Lars ordered online. Despite the initial shock and confusion, Lars' family and friends decide to go along with his delusion in an effort to help him cope with his loneliness and social anxiety.

As the town rallies around Lars and Bianca, they begin to see the positive impact that the relationship has on Lars. Through his interactions with Bianca, Lars starts to come out of his shell and form real connections with the people around him. The film explores themes of love, acceptance, and the power of community in overcoming personal struggles.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Lars and the Real Girl
Matt McMullen: Writer
Randall Andrews: Writer
Holy, Holy, Holy
Reginald Heber: Writer
Bert Kaempfert: Writer
Ryan Gosling: Performer
Genius of Love
Tom Tom Club: Performer
Adrian Belew: Writer
Dancing for No One
All Around Me
This Must Be the Place (Naïve Melody) Live Version
Crashing My System
At the Mall
David Torn: Performer
In the Forest
David Torn: Performer
I. Lars Is Angry (With Bianca) / II. The Box Arrives
David Torn: Performer
Mrs. Gruener Accepts Him
David Torn: Performer
I. Opening / II. Still Opening
David Torn: Performer
Bowling With Margo
David Torn: Performer
I. Karin & the Skirt / II. His Parents's Graves / III. Snack Break / IV. Lars
David Torn: Performer
Karin Accepts Him
David Torn: Performer
I. Lars, Changing... / II. They Actually Touch
David Torn: Performer
Bianca Is Dying
David Torn: Performer
I. The Flowers... / II. Goodbye Kiss
David Torn: Performer
Her Funeral...
David Torn: Performer
Lars & Margo
David Torn: Performer
Where We Started
David Torn: Performer
End Credit Suite
David Torn: Performer
L-O-V-E (Nat King Cole)
David Torn: Performer

User reviews

Karen Robinson

Additionally, I found the soundtrack to be repetitive and uninspiring. The same musical motifs are used throughout the movie, making it feel monotonous and predictable. This lack of variety in the music detracts from the overall viewing experience and fails to engage the audience on a deeper level.

Linda Moore

The use of soft melodies and gentle instrumentation in the soundtrack creates a poignant and heartfelt atmosphere that complements the themes of love and acceptance in the film. The music adds depth to the emotional moments and helps to convey the inner turmoil and transformation of Lars.

Emily Hall

The soundtrack of Lars and the Real Girl perfectly captures the emotional journey of the main character, Lars. The music enhances the sense of loneliness and isolation that Lars feels at the beginning of the film, and then evolves to reflect his growth and connection with others as the story progresses.

Margaret Adams

The soundtrack features a mix of instrumental pieces and heartfelt melodies that evoke a range of emotions, from melancholy to joy, mirroring Lars' inner turmoil and eventual growth.

John Carter

The soundtrack of Lars and the Real Girl effectively conveys the bittersweet nature of Lars' relationship with Bianca. The music strikes a delicate balance between sincerity and whimsy, mirroring the unconventional yet touching bond between Lars and his doll girlfriend.

Donald Turner

Overall, the soundtrack of Lars and the Real Girl is a standout element of the film, contributing significantly to its overall impact and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Thomas Garcia

The music in the film effectively sets the tone for different scenes, creating a sense of warmth and intimacy that complements Lars' gradual transformation throughout the story.

Jennifer Adams

The soundtrack of Lars and the Real Girl perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the film's storyline, enhancing the viewer's connection to Lars' journey of self-discovery.

Ashley Davis

Overall, the soundtrack of Lars and the Real Girl is a standout feature of the film, enhancing the storytelling and emotional impact of the narrative. The music serves as a powerful tool to immerse the audience in Lars' world and evoke empathy for his struggles and triumphs.

Joseph Martinez

One of my negative opinions about the soundtrack of Lars and the Real Girl is that it lacks emotional depth and fails to capture the complexity of Lars' internal struggles. The music feels superficial and fails to enhance the emotional impact of key scenes in the film.

Kimberly Roberts

The use of music in key moments of the film, such as Lars' interactions with Bianca and his moments of reflection, adds a layer of poignancy and depth to the storytelling, making the viewing experience truly engaging.