Mondays in the Sun Soundtrack (

Mondays in the Sun Soundtrack (2002) cover

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Rating: 7.60/10 from 15000 votes
Tags: northern spain, financial trouble, economic hardship, dockside area, spanish coast
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Los lunes al sol

Title in Italiano:

I lunedì al sole

Title in Português:

Às Segundas ao Sol

Title in Français:

Les lundis au soleil


2001: men without jobs, in the port city of Vigo. Six men worked in a shipyard, now shuttered. They pass the time at La Naval, a bar opened by one of them after the yard closed. They face their futures in makeshift ways: Rico has his bar and a sharp 15-year-old daughter, Reina has become a watchman and a moralizer, Lino fills out job applications, Amador drinks heavily and talks of his wife's return; José is married to Ana, who works at a cannery and tires of being the breadwinner amidst José's emasculated moodiness; Santa, the group's conscience and troublemaker, occasionally fantasizes about Australia. In truth, all are joined like Siamese twins, adrift.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Mondays in the Sun
On the Otherside of the World
Tom Waits: Performer
Tom Waits: Writer
La Mer
Charles Trenet: Lyrics
Charles Trenet: Performer
Ni tú ni nadie
Nacho Canut: Writer
Aida Folch: Performer
Concierto para violín y orquesta, Op. 61, Rondo Allegro

User reviews

Andrew Thomas

The soundtrack of Mondays in the Sun perfectly captures the melancholic and contemplative mood of the film. The music enhances the emotional depth of the characters' struggles and adds an extra layer of poignancy to their stories.

Susan Anderson

The use of acoustic guitar in the soundtrack creates a sense of intimacy and rawness, reflecting the raw emotions of the characters as they navigate through their uncertain futures. The melancholic melodies linger in the mind long after the movie ends, evoking a sense of nostalgia and reflection.

Richard Allen

Overall, the soundtrack of Mondays in the Sun is a standout element of the film, effectively enhancing the storytelling and emotional impact of the characters' journey. It's a testament to the power of music in conveying complex emotions and creating a deeper connection with the audience.

Daniel Lopez

The haunting melodies and poignant lyrics of the songs in the soundtrack make it a standout element of the film, contributing significantly to its overall impact.

Michael Garcia

The choice of songs reflects the characters' individual personalities and inner conflicts, creating a rich tapestry of emotions.

Laura Baker

The soundtrack of Mondays in the Sun perfectly captures the melancholic and introspective mood of the film.

Emily Rodriguez

The use of traditional Spanish music in the soundtrack adds depth and authenticity to the portrayal of the characters' struggles.

Betty Martinez

The music in Mondays in the Sun enhances the atmosphere of the film, immersing the audience in the world of the characters.

Richard Nelson

The soundtrack of Mondays in the Sun failed to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' struggles. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the raw intensity needed to convey the harsh realities faced by men without jobs in a post-industrial setting.

Mark Green

The soundtrack seamlessly integrates with the film's narrative, enhancing the viewer's connection to the characters' experiences.

Edward Jackson

The score of the film felt disconnected from the narrative, often overshadowing the poignant moments with its misplaced melodies. Instead of enhancing the storytelling, the music at times felt intrusive and out of place, detracting from the overall viewing experience.

Linda Williams

The soundtrack of Mondays in the Sun missed an opportunity to elevate the film's themes of resilience and camaraderie. The music choices seemed mismatched with the tone of the story, failing to evoke the sense of solidarity and defiance portrayed by the characters as they navigate through their uncertain futures.

John Walker

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing, enhancing the emotional impact of the story.

Lisa Robinson

The choice of traditional Spanish songs in the soundtrack adds an authentic touch to the film, immersing the audience in the setting of a port city in Vigo. The music not only serves as a backdrop but also as a character itself, enhancing the sense of place and time in the narrative.

Dorothy Lee

The emotional resonance of the soundtrack lingers long after the film has ended, leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

David Campbell

The soundtrack of Mondays in the Sun is a testament to the power of music in storytelling, elevating the film to a more profound and poignant level.