Nasa mala klinika Soundtrack (

Nasa mala klinika Soundtrack (2004) cover

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Rating: 5.50/10 from 1600 votes
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Title in Español:

Nasa mala klinika

Title in Italiano:

Nasa mala klinika

Title in Português:

Nasa mala klinika


Nasa mala klinika is a Croatian television series that follows the lives of doctors and patients at a small clinic in a fictional town. The show explores the challenges and humor that come with working in a healthcare setting, as well as the personal relationships that develop among the staff.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Nasa mala klinika
Jabuke i tresnje
Louiguy: Performer
Jacques Larue: French lyrics
Mario Kinel: Lyrics
Goran Navojec: Performer
Zvijezda tjera mjeseca
Enis Beslagic: Performer
I Semso sretan je(I Will Survive)
Freddie Perren: Performer
Dino Fekaris: Performer
Enis Beslagic: Performer
Enis Beslagic: Performer
Sasa Losic: Writer
Sasa Losic: Performer
Goran Navojec: Performer
Ranko Zidaric: Performer
Rene Bitorajac: Performer

User reviews

Dorothy Evans

The soundtrack of Nasa mala klinika captures the essence of the show's lighthearted and comedic tone, making it a perfect complement to the humorous situations faced by the characters.

Kenneth Johnson

The songs chosen for the series resonate well with the narrative, adding depth and dimension to the storytelling by underscoring the highs and lows of life in a small clinic.

Robert Turner

Overall, the music in Nasa mala klinika is a well-crafted blend of sounds that enriches the storytelling and contributes to the overall charm and appeal of the series.

Deborah White

I appreciate how the soundtrack incorporates a mix of upbeat melodies and more somber tunes, reflecting the variety of situations and emotions portrayed in the show.

Timothy Jones

The soundtrack of Nasa mala klinika felt repetitive and uninspired, lacking creativity and originality in its composition.

Emily Mitchell

I found the music to be distracting at times, failing to enhance the emotional depth of the scenes or create a memorable atmosphere for the viewers.

James Perez

The soundtrack of Nasa mala klinika is truly captivating and enhances the emotional depth of the series. The music perfectly complements the scenes, creating a rich and immersive viewing experience.

Lisa Hall

The music in the series effectively sets the mood for each scene, whether it's a funny moment between the doctors or a more emotional interaction with the patients, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Jennifer Parker

The use of music in Nasa mala klinika helps to create a sense of familiarity and continuity throughout the episodes, establishing a cohesive and engaging atmosphere for the viewers.

Andrew Adams

Overall, the soundtrack of Nasa mala klinika fell short in capturing the essence of the show and failed to leave a lasting impression on me as a viewer.

Robert Martin

I find the diversity of musical styles in the soundtrack to be a standout feature. From uplifting melodies to poignant piano compositions, each piece adds a unique flavor to the show and helps to convey the range of emotions experienced by the characters. The soundtrack truly elevates the storytelling and makes the viewing experience even more engaging.