Nine Months Soundtrack (

Nine Months Soundtrack (1995) cover

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Rating: 5.50/10 from 39000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Nueve meses

Title in Português:

Nove Meses


Nine Months

Nine Months is a romantic comedy film that follows the story of Samuel Faulkner, a child psychologist who finds out that his girlfriend, Rebecca Taylor, is pregnant. The news comes as a shock to Samuel, who is not ready to become a father and is unsure if he is ready to commit to a long-term relationship.

As the due date approaches, Samuel goes through a series of comical and heartwarming experiences as he tries to come to terms with the idea of becoming a parent. Along the way, he seeks advice from his eccentric friends and family members, who offer their own unique perspectives on parenthood.

Throughout the film, Samuel and Rebecca navigate the ups and downs of pregnancy, from attending Lamaze classes to dealing with overbearing relatives. As they prepare for the arrival of their baby, they both learn valuable lessons about love, commitment, and the joys of starting a family.

Nine Months is a lighthearted and entertaining film that explores the challenges and joys of parenthood, while also celebrating the bond between a couple as they embark on the journey of becoming parents.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Nine Months
The Time Of Your Life
Steven Van Zandt: Performer
Steven Van Zandt: Writer
These Are The Days
Van Morrison: Performer
Van Morrison: Writer
Let's Get It On
Marvin Gaye: Performer
Marvin Gaye: Writer
Baby, I Love You
Jeff Barry: Writer
The Ronettes: Performer
Phil Spector: Produced
19th Nervous Breakdown
Mick Jagger: Writer
The Rolling Stones: Performer
The Time of Your Life (Little Steven)
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Baby, Baby
Hans Zimmer: Performer
It's A Boy
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Voodoo Woman
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Baby's Room
Hans Zimmer: Performer
From Russia...
Hans Zimmer: Performer
We Can Work It Out
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Open Your Eyes
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Let's Get It On (Marvin Gaye)
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Turn Back The Hands of Time (Tyrone Davis)
Hans Zimmer: Performer
From Russia... (Nick Glennie-Smith)
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Broken Arrow - Brothers
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Broken Arrow - Secure
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Nine Months - It's A Boy
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Point Of No Return - Hate
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Beyond Rangoon - Beyond Rangoon
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Backdraft - You Go, We Go
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Backdraft - Fahrenheit 451
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Gladiator - Now We Are Free
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Gladiator - Am I Not Merciful
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Driving Miss Daisy - Driving
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Thelma & Louise - Thunderbird
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Thin Red Line - Journey to the Line
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Mission : Impossible 2 - Nyah and Ethan
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Lion King - Lea Halalela
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Power of One - Mother Africa
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Nine Months - Suite
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Rain Man - Main Theme
Hans Zimmer: Performer
True Romance - Main Theme
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Lion King - Busa
Hans Zimmer: Performer

User reviews

John Turner

The soundtrack of Nine Months perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster of impending parenthood.

Sarah King

The songs in Nine Months evoke a sense of nostalgia and warmth, making the audience feel connected to the characters' journey.

Margaret King

The music in Nine Months complements the storyline beautifully, making the audience feel more invested in the characters' experiences.

Patricia Lee

Overall, the music in Nine Months adds depth and richness to the film, elevating the viewing experience for the audience.

Karen Lewis

The music in Nine Months effectively enhances the comedic moments in the film, adding an extra layer of humor to the scenes.

Stephanie Martin

The musical choices in Nine Months often felt mismatched with the tone of the scenes, creating a disconnect between the on-screen emotions and the accompanying music, which detracted from the overall viewing experience.

Amanda Allen

The music in Nine Months creates a nostalgic and warm atmosphere, making the audience feel connected to the characters' journey. The soundtrack's diverse range of songs mirrors the diverse range of emotions experienced during pregnancy, offering a musical backdrop that is both relatable and memorable.

Richard Johnson

The soundtrack of Nine Months perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster of parenthood, from the excitement of expecting a baby to the fears and uncertainties that come with it. Each track seamlessly complements the on-screen moments, enhancing the comedic and heartwarming scenes with its uplifting melodies and poignant lyrics.

John Adams

Each song in the soundtrack is carefully selected to mirror the evolution of Samuel and Rebecca's relationship, from the initial shock of pregnancy to the eventual acceptance and excitement of starting a family.

Nancy Martin

Overall, the soundtrack of Nine Months is a delightful blend of catchy tunes and heartfelt ballads, adding depth and emotion to the film's narrative. It elevates the viewing experience, leaving a lasting impression on the audience and enhancing the overall enjoyment of the story.

Andrew Campbell

The soundtrack of Nine Months strikes a good balance between fun, uplifting tunes and more emotional, heartfelt melodies.

Kenneth Miller

The soundtrack of Nine Months includes a variety of musical styles that cater to different moods and moments in the story.

Susan Harris

The soundtrack of Nine Months felt uninspired and generic, lacking memorable melodies or emotional depth to enhance the storytelling of the film.

James Hall

The songs in Nine Months create a cheerful and light-hearted atmosphere that mirrors the overall tone of the film.

Matthew Mitchell

The overall sound quality of the soundtrack in Nine Months seemed dated and poorly produced, failing to create a cohesive and immersive auditory experience that could have elevated the film's emotional impact.

David Rodriguez

The music adds depth and emotion to key scenes, creating a nostalgic and uplifting atmosphere that resonates with the audience and enhances the overall viewing experience of the film.

Deborah Garcia

The soundtrack of Nine Months perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster of parenthood, with a mix of upbeat and heartwarming tracks that enhance the comedic and heartfelt moments of the film.