Scare Me Soundtrack (

Scare Me Soundtrack (2020) cover

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Rating: 5.70/10 from 5000 votes
Tags: telling scary stories
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Scare Me

Title in Italiano:

Scare Me

Title in Português:

Scare Me

Title in Français:

Scare Me

Title in Türk:

Scare Me

Title in Deutsch:

Scare Me


Scare Me is a horror film that follows the story of a group of friends who decide to spend the night in a haunted house. As they explore the dark and eerie rooms, they begin to experience strange and terrifying occurrences. The tension builds as they realize they are not alone in the house, and they must fight to survive the night.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Scare Me
The Creativity Song
The Time Song
The Love Song
The Computer Song
The Healthy Song
The Dreams Song
Saturday Morning
Rachael Yamagata: Writer
Rachael Yamagata: Performer
Mama Look a Boo-Boo
Elegant Too: Performer
Elegant Too: Courtesy of songs of universal, inc. produced
Chris Maxwell: Mixed

User reviews

Matthew Moore

The soundtrack of Scare Me failed to create a sense of suspense and fear that is essential in a horror film. The music felt generic and predictable, lacking the ability to enhance the eerie atmosphere of the haunted house setting.

Sarah Rodriguez

Overall, I believe the music in Scare Me played a crucial role in setting the tone and enhancing the overall spooky atmosphere of the film, contributing to the sense of fear and excitement that kept me invested in the story.

Melissa Martin

The soundtrack of Scare Me perfectly captures the suspense and fear present throughout the film. The eerie sounds and haunting melodies create a chilling atmosphere that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Steven Brown

The music in Scare Me adds an extra layer of depth to the overall viewing experience, immersing the audience in the terrifying world of the haunted house and intensifying the sense of dread and impending danger.

Charles Jones

The soundtrack of Scare Me did a great job of building up the suspense and dread, heightening the sense of danger and impending horror as the characters navigated through the terrifying events in the haunted house.

Nancy Allen

The contrast between the eerie, atmospheric tracks and the more intense, heart-pounding pieces helped to create a dynamic range of emotions throughout the film, keeping me engaged and on edge.

Richard Allen

I found the way the soundtrack incorporated sudden bursts of intense music during key suspenseful moments to be quite effective in creating a feeling of unease and anticipation.

Laura Parker

I found the use of repetitive and cliche sound effects in the soundtrack to be distracting and uninspired. Instead of adding to the tension and thrill of the movie, it felt like a lazy attempt to elicit cheap scares from the audience.

Charles Jones

The use of haunting melodies and subtle sound effects in the music enhanced the creepy ambiance of the haunted house setting, making the viewing experience more immersive and chilling.

Robert Carter

The soundtrack of Scare Me effectively captured the eerie and suspenseful atmosphere of the film, adding to the overall sense of tension and fear.

James Davis

Each track in the soundtrack enhances the tension and unease of the scenes, making the audience feel the same fear and anticipation as the characters on screen.