Steve Jobs Soundtrack (

Steve Jobs Soundtrack (2015) cover

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Rating: 7.20/10 from 179000 votes
Tags: apple computer
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Steve Jobs

Title in Italiano:

Steve Jobs

Title in Português:

Steve Jobs

Title in Français:

Steve Jobs

Title in Türk:

Steve Jobs

Title in Deutsch:

Steve Jobs


Steve Jobs is largely the iconic name and face of Apple Computers, a company he co-founded. He always wants to be in control, in large part an outcome of his childhood, where he knows his biological mother willingly gave him up for adoption. That control often places him at odds with those around him, about which he doesn't care as long as he gets what he wants at the end, including a closed end system for each of his products to maintain his vision rather than users being able to transform his products for their own wants.

The state of his life is presented at three specific times, on the day of preparation for the launch of three different products, each for which he is the lead: in 1984 for the Macintosh computer, it being the first new product for Apple since the debut its most successful product, the Apple II, seven years earlier; in 1988 for the NeXT computer, which Jobs outwardly is more concerned about the integrity of the perfect black cube design than its unknown capabilities, but for which he secretly has a specific end goal; and in 1998 for the iMac computer.

The significant people in Jobs' life are also presented, they who are at the three launches, if not in person than in direct spirit to the proceedings: Steve Wozniak, Apple's other co-founder who sees himself more as the nuts and bolts man compared to Jobs being the big picture man, with Wozniak wanting as much of a focus on Apple's successful brand as opposed to Jobs' want to focus purely on his product being launched; Joanna Hoffman, his ethnic-Polish head of marketing for each of the three launches, and who acts as much as his mother figure and his moral center; John Sculley, Apple's CEO who is more concerned about meeting the wants of the Board and the shareholders than Jobs'; Andy Hertzfeld, one of the two Andy's, who is chief engineer for the Mac and who needs to meet Jobs' every whim for the product, even if he feels it cannot be done; and Lisa Brennan, who the courts deem to be his biological daughter, a claim which he tried to deny largely to spite Lisa's mother, Chrisann Brennan, whose every action, in Jobs' mind, is for her own best interest as opposed to Lisa's as she claims.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Steve Jobs
Times They Are a-Changin'
Bob Dylan: Writer
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
Bob Dylan: Writer
Meet Me in the Morning
Bob Dylan: Writer
Both Sides Now
Joni Mitchell: Writer
Don't Look Back Into the Sun
Carl Barât: Writer
The Libertines: Performer
Grew up at Midnight
The Maccabees: Performer
Shelter from the Storm
Bob Dylan: Writer
The Musicians Play Their Instruments
It's Not Working
Child (Father)
Jack It Up
The Circus of Machines I (Overture)
Russian Roulette
Change the World
The Skylab Plan
I Play the Orchestra
The Circus of Machines II (Allegro)
It's an Abstract
Life out of Balance
I Wrote Ticket to Ride
The Nature of People
1998. The New Mac.
Father (Child)
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
Bob Dylan: Performer
Don't Look Back Into the Sun
Carl Barât: Performer
It's Not Working
Bob Dylan: Performer
It's an Abstract
Bob Dylan: Performer
The Musicians Play Their Instruments?
Daniel Pemberton: Performer
Don't Look Back Into The Sun (The Libertines)
Daniel Pemberton: Performer
...I Play The Orchestra
Daniel Pemberton: Performer
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 – Bob Dylan
Daniel Pemberton: Performer
1998. The New Mac
Daniel Pemberton: Performer
Grew Up At Midnight (The Maccabees)
Daniel Pemberton: Performer
Shelter From The Storm (Bob Dylan)
Daniel Pemberton: Performer
SIDE A: The Musicians Play Their Instruments?
Daniel Pemberton: Performer
SIDE B: Change The World
Daniel Pemberton: Performer
Disc Time:
Daniel Pemberton: Performer
SIDE C: ...I Play The Orchestra
Daniel Pemberton: Performer
SIDE D: 1998. The New Mac
Daniel Pemberton: Performer

User reviews

Kenneth Brown

The soundtrack of Steve Jobs perfectly captures the intensity and complexity of the main character's persona, adding depth to the storytelling through its evocative melodies and themes.

Timothy Hill

The music underscores the high stakes of each launch, highlighting the pressure Jobs feels to deliver groundbreaking products that will shape the future of technology.

Richard Robinson

The use of recurring musical themes creates a sense of continuity throughout the film, reinforcing the idea of Jobs' relentless pursuit of his vision despite external challenges.

Donald Martin

Overall, the soundtrack of Steve Jobs is a powerful and evocative complement to the story, enhancing the audience's emotional connection to the characters and themes portrayed.

Timothy Perez

The soundtrack seamlessly blends electronic elements with orchestral arrangements, reflecting the fusion of innovation and tradition in Jobs' approach to product design.

Kimberly Perez

The soundtrack of Steve Jobs perfectly captures the intensity and complexity of his character, reflecting his constant need for control and perfection.

Jennifer Evans

The soundtrack of Steve Jobs perfectly captures the intensity and complexity of the character's persona, reflecting his drive for control and perfection.

Edward Jones

The music seamlessly weaves through the different timelines of Jobs' life, enhancing the emotional impact of each pivotal moment and creating a cohesive narrative that resonates with the audience on a profound level.

Mark Robinson

The music enhances the storytelling by creating a sense of urgency and tension, mirroring the high stakes involved in the product launches portrayed in the film.

Melissa Nelson

I appreciate how the music underscores the inner turmoil and conflict within Jobs, highlighting his struggles with his past and his relentless pursuit of excellence.

John Gonzalez

The use of instrumental arrangements and motifs in the soundtrack elevates the film to a cinematic masterpiece, establishing a powerful connection between the audience and the inner world of Steve Jobs, making it a truly unforgettable musical experience.

Matthew Green

The use of different musical motifs for each product launch (Macintosh, NeXT, iMac) helps to convey the evolution of Jobs' vision and the challenges he faces in realizing it.

Steven Lopez

The soundtrack effectively mirrors Jobs' internal struggles, particularly his conflicted emotions towards his daughter Lisa and his desire to maintain his carefully curated image.

Sarah Young

The music failed to enhance the storytelling and instead felt like a distraction, at times overpowering the dialogue and key moments in the film.

Carol Phillips

The music sets the tone for each launch event, enhancing the drama and tension surrounding Jobs' interactions with key figures like Wozniak, Hoffman, Sculley, Hertzfeld, and Lisa.

Michael Clark

The soundtrack's seamless integration with the dialogue and visuals creates a cohesive and immersive viewing experience, drawing the audience into Jobs' world.

David Rodriguez

The soundtrack effectively conveys the emotional depth of Jobs' relationships with key figures in his life, adding layers of nuance to the narrative.

Emily Evans

Overall, the soundtrack of Steve Jobs is a masterful accompaniment to the film, elevating the storytelling and bringing a depth of emotion to the character's journey.

Thomas Anderson

The soundtrack of Steve Jobs felt repetitive and uninspired, lacking the emotional depth needed to truly capture the complexity of Jobs' character and relationships.

Emily Lee

The instrumental arrangements are dynamic and engaging, adding depth to the narrative and underscoring the pivotal moments in Jobs' life.

Richard Parker

The soundtrack did not effectively convey the tension and drama of the pivotal moments in Jobs' life, leaving the audience feeling disconnected from the narrative and characters.

Amanda Nelson

The use of different musical motifs for each of the three product launches helps to differentiate the time periods and highlight the evolution of Jobs' character and vision.

Daniel White

The dynamic range of the soundtrack, from soaring orchestral pieces to intimate piano compositions, contributes to the overall richness of the film's atmosphere.