Suzanne Soundtrack (

Suzanne Soundtrack (2013) cover

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Rating: 6.70/10 from 1900 votes
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The Staple of News is a play written by Ben Jonson in 1625. The play is a satire on the news industry and the obsession with sensationalism and scandal. It follows the story of Pennyboy Junior, a young man who becomes obsessed with reading the news and gossip of the day. He becomes so consumed by the news that he neglects his duties and responsibilities, leading to chaos and confusion.

The play explores themes of truth, deception, and the power of the media to shape public opinion. It also delves into the idea of how easily people can be manipulated by the news they consume. Through its witty dialogue and clever wordplay, The Staple of News offers a sharp critique of the news industry and its impact on society.

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Play Title Artist
Nina Simone: Performer
Leonard Cohen: Writer
Electrelane: Writer
Electrelane: Performer

User reviews

Nancy Wilson

I was disappointed by the lack of cohesion and coherence in the soundtrack of Suzanne. The music seemed disjointed and disconnected from the narrative of the play, failing to establish a strong emotional connection with the audience. It felt like an afterthought rather than a thoughtful and deliberate choice to enhance the themes and messages of The Staple of News.

Karen Allen

The soundtrack of Suzanne truly captivates the essence of the play The Staple of News by Ben Jonson with its evocative melodies and intricate compositions.

Lisa Young

The clever wordplay in the lyrics of Suzanne adds an extra layer of depth to the storytelling, enhancing the overall impact of the soundtrack.

Donald Wright

I found the soundtrack of Suzanne to be lacking in depth and emotional resonance. The music failed to capture the complexity and satirical nature of the play The Staple of News written by Ben Jonson. It felt generic and uninspired, missing the opportunity to enhance the themes of truth, deception, and media manipulation portrayed in the story.

Sarah Perez

The soundtrack of Suzanne perfectly captures the essence of the play's themes of truth and deception through its haunting melodies and evocative lyrics.

Andrew Anderson

The soundtrack of Suzanne showcases a range of musical styles and influences, adding richness and complexity to the storytelling.

James Johnson

The emotional depth of the songs in Suzanne resonates with the audience, providing a powerful and immersive musical experience that enhances the themes of the play.

Stephanie Jackson

Each track in the soundtrack of Suzanne skillfully conveys the chaos and confusion that arises from the characters' obsession with sensational news and scandal.

Steven Turner

Overall, the band's soundtrack for Suzanne offers a unique and engaging perspective on the themes of The Staple of News, making it a noteworthy addition to the world of music inspired by literature.

Linda Mitchell

The music in Suzanne effectively mirrors the play's exploration of how the media can manipulate public opinion, creating a thought-provoking listening experience.

Mary Nelson

Overall, the soundtrack of Suzanne is a standout aspect of the play, elevating the storytelling and enhancing the audience's connection to the characters and their struggles.

Paul Evans

The use of instrumentation in Suzanne is masterfully executed, creating a sonic landscape that brings the play's themes to life in a compelling way.

Jennifer Allen

The soundtrack of Suzanne captures the essence of chaos and confusion portrayed in The Staple of News with its dissonant melodies and unpredictable rhythms.

Donna Nelson

The instrumentation used in the soundtrack of Suzanne felt outdated and out of touch with the modern audience. The choice of instruments and musical arrangements did not effectively convey the wit and clever wordplay present in the play. It felt like a missed opportunity to create a more engaging and relevant musical accompaniment that could have elevated the overall experience of the performance.

Elizabeth Wright

Each track in the band's soundtrack elegantly weaves together themes of truth, deception, and the power of media, perfectly complementing the play's exploration of these complex ideas.

William Robinson

The band's clever wordplay in the lyrics parallels the witty dialogue of the play, creating a cohesive and thought-provoking listening experience.

Kimberly Thompson

The music in Suzanne brilliantly mirrors the play's satirical tone and sharp critique of the news industry, creating a harmonious blend of sound and storytelling that immerses the audience in a thought-provoking and engaging experience.

Emily Carter

The use of unconventional instruments in the band's repertoire adds a layer of unpredictability to the music, mirroring the themes of truth and deception explored in the play.

George Allen

The haunting vocals in certain tracks evoke a sense of unease and paranoia, reflecting the power of the media to shape public opinion as depicted in The Staple of News.