Tallulah Soundtrack (

Tallulah Soundtrack (2016) cover

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Rating: 6.70/10 from 22000 votes
Tags: baby stroller, levitation
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"Tallulah" is a film that tells the story of a young woman named Tallulah who is living a nomadic lifestyle in her van. One day, she meets a young mother named Carolyn who is struggling with motherhood and feeling overwhelmed. Tallulah ends up kidnapping Carolyn's baby and passing her off as her own to her ex-boyfriend's mother, Margo. As Tallulah spends time with the baby, she begins to form a bond with her and starts to question her own life choices. The film explores themes of motherhood, identity, and the complexities of human relationships.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Mad, Mad Heart
Guilty as Charged
Andrew Balogh: Writer
Pacin' the Floor
Baby Where You Are
Ted Lucas: Writer
Pacin' the Floor
I'm Gone Mama (Jim Murphy & The Accents)
Michael Brook: Performer
Van Conversation
Michael Brook: Performer
Peeing And Floating
Michael Brook: Performer
He Left
Michael Brook: Performer
No Trespassing Blues (Jesus Sons)
Michael Brook: Performer
Stealing Hotel Food
Michael Brook: Performer
Hotel Room 2
Michael Brook: Performer
Michael Brook: Performer
Stealing The Baby
Michael Brook: Performer
Margo's Tub
Michael Brook: Performer
Revolving Door
Michael Brook: Performer
Little Toes
Michael Brook: Performer
Trying To Leave
Michael Brook: Performer
Michael Brook: Performer
Michael Brook: Performer
Michael Brook: Performer
The Dock Flashback
Michael Brook: Performer
Newspaper Article
Michael Brook: Performer
Almost Caught
Michael Brook: Performer
The Chase
Michael Brook: Performer
The Dock
Michael Brook: Performer
All Falling Apart
Michael Brook: Performer
Michael Brook: Performer
Margo's Arc
Michael Brook: Performer
Baby Where You Are (Ted Lucas)
Michael Brook: Performer
End Credits
Michael Brook: Performer

User reviews

Deborah Johnson

The use of different musical styles and instruments throughout the soundtrack adds layers of richness to the viewing experience.

Mary Lewis

The choice of indie folk and alternative rock songs fits well with the film's themes of self-discovery, motherhood, and the complexities of human relationships, creating a cohesive and immersive musical experience.

Michael Scott

The music enhances the storytelling, creating a powerful connection between the audience and the characters.

Matthew Rodriguez

The contrast between melancholic ballads and upbeat, energetic songs adds depth and dimension to the overall soundtrack, mirroring the conflicting emotions and experiences of the characters.

Joseph White

The music in Tallulah evokes a sense of empathy and understanding towards the characters' journeys.

Charles Lopez

Overall, the soundtrack of Tallulah is a standout element that elevates the film and resonates with the audience on a profound level.

Mark Thomas

The soundtrack enhances the film's exploration of motherhood, identity, and human relationships, adding depth to the narrative.

Charles Perez

The soundtrack of Tallulah perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the film's themes.

Steven Thomas

The soundtrack of Tallulah effectively conveys the inner turmoil and struggles of the main characters.

Charles Garcia

The soundtrack features a diverse range of songs that complement the various emotional moments in the film.

Joshua Jones

The use of acoustic guitar in some tracks creates a sense of intimacy and vulnerability, enhancing the emotional impact of key scenes in the film.

Mark Adams

The soundtrack of Tallulah perfectly captures the emotional journey of the characters, especially Tallulah and Carolyn, through its haunting melodies and evocative lyrics.

Michael Lopez

The music helps to establish the mood and atmosphere of each scene, immersing the audience in the story.

Margaret Turner

Overall, the music in Tallulah is a standout feature of the film, elevating the storytelling and connecting the audience to the characters' journeys in a powerful and memorable way.

Donald Clark

The soundtrack effectively enhances the storytelling in Tallulah by underscoring the characters' internal struggles and external conflicts, making the viewing experience more engaging and emotionally resonant.

Emily Williams

The haunting melodies and evocative lyrics in the soundtrack leave a lasting impact on the viewer.