The Carrier Soundtrack (

The Carrier Soundtrack (2014) cover

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Rating: 5.20/10 from 17000 votes
Tags: bagman, motel, assault rifle, man punches a woman
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

El encargo

Title in Italiano:


Title in Português:

Quarto 13

Title in Français:

L'Instinct de tuer

Title in Türk:


Title in Deutsch:

Motel Room 13


Jack (Cusack) is asked to pick up a bag and deliver it to Dragna (DeNiro). Jack is told not to look in the bag but to just deliver it for a handsome reward. The movie starts with Jack already having the bag and having to wait for Dragna to pick it up at a run-down motel. Characters already staying at the motel, the motel manager, and the police all play a part in Jack's time protecting the bag for Dragna.

Throughout the movie, questions arise such as what is in the bag, who is out to kill Jack for the bag, and when will Dragna get there. This movie also has a ton of memorable characters such as Ned (Glover) the creepy motel manager, Rivka (DeCosta) the hooker, a pimp, a Russian mobster who is a "little person", Dragna (DeNiro), the Sheriff, and of course the bag protector, Jack (Cusack).

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Carrier
Gary Clark Jr.: Writer
Gary Clark Jr.: Performer
Wolf Teeth
JD McPherson: Performer
Stand My Ground
John O'Regan: Performer
The Day Is Done
Nick Drake: Writer
Nick Drake: Performer
The Bag Man
Tony Morales: Performer
A Dark and Lonely Road
Tony Morales: Performer
Forget Everything You Know
Tony Morales: Performer
A Sight for Sore Eyes
Tony Morales: Performer
What's in the Bag
Tony Morales: Performer
Roadside Assistance
Tony Morales: Performer
Taking Lizard for a Ride
Tony Morales: Performer
Lights Go Out
Tony Morales: Performer
Sheriff Lawson
Tony Morales: Performer
A Perfectly Good Pair of Handcuffs
Tony Morales: Performer
Prison Break
Tony Morales: Performer
Someone Like You
Tony Morales: Performer
Master of the Game
Tony Morales: Performer
Tony Morales: Performer

User reviews

John Martin

The music in The Carrier expertly conveys the emotional turmoil and moral dilemmas faced by the characters, adding layers of complexity to their interactions and decisions.

Margaret Smith

The soundtrack's dynamic range and variety of tones helped to establish the film's unique atmosphere and set it apart from other similar movies in the genre.

Matthew Parker

Overall, The Carrier's soundtrack was a standout element of the film, enhancing the storytelling and character development in a way that truly elevated the viewing experience for me.

Donald Rodriguez

The Carrier's soundtrack perfectly captures the suspense and tension of the film's plot, keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout.

Matthew Jones

Overall, the soundtrack of The Carrier missed the mark in creating a memorable and immersive auditory experience for the audience. It did not effectively contribute to the atmosphere and storytelling of the film, leaving much to be desired in terms of musical composition and execution.

Linda Perez

The soundtrack's ability to build suspense and anticipation effectively kept me engaged and intrigued, heightening the overall impact of the film.

Patricia Wright

The choice of musical themes did not match the diverse and quirky characters in the movie. The soundtrack failed to capture the essence of each character, resulting in a disconnect between the music and the on-screen personalities.

Andrew Robinson

The soundtrack of The Carrier failed to evoke any emotional depth or tension during key moments of the film. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the ability to enhance the suspense and mystery of the plot.

Laura Phillips

The music does an excellent job of enhancing the mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere of the storyline, making me even more invested in the characters and their motivations.

Timothy Wilson

I was impressed by the way the soundtrack seamlessly blended with the on-screen action, creating a sense of unease and excitement. The music truly added depth to the characters and storyline, making the twists and turns even more thrilling and engaging.

Melissa Martin

The soundtrack of The Carrier effectively builds tension and anticipation throughout the movie, creating a sense of unease and mystery that keeps the audience engaged.

Timothy Parker

I found myself humming along to some of the soundtrack's melodies even after the movie was over, a testament to its lasting impact and memorable compositions.

Matthew Robinson

The use of different musical styles and instruments in the soundtrack adds depth to the characters and their motivations, enhancing the overall storytelling of the film.

Carol Garcia

The Carrier's soundtrack perfectly captures the tense and mysterious atmosphere of the film. The use of suspenseful strings and haunting melodies kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire movie, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Mark Brown

The musical themes in The Carrier were memorable and catchy, sticking with me long after the movie ended and bringing back scenes vividly to mind.

Andrew Lewis

I was impressed by how the music seamlessly integrated with the on-screen action, enhancing key scenes and emotional moments with its evocative melodies.

Ronald Young

The Carrier's soundtrack perfectly complements the suspenseful atmosphere of the movie, with intense and dramatic musical cues that keep you on the edge of your seat.

Karen Walker

The soundtrack's use of different musical styles and instruments adds depth and complexity to the overall viewing experience, creating a multi-layered auditory journey.