The Diary of Evelyn Lau Soundtrack (

The Diary of Evelyn Lau Soundtrack (1994) cover

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Rating: 7.40/10 from 104 votes
Tags: poetry reading
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

The Diary of Evelyn Lau

Title in Italiano:

The Diary of Evelyn Lau

Title in Português:

O Diário de Evelyn Lau


The Diary of Evelyn Lau is a memoir written by Evelyn Lau, a Canadian poet and novelist. The book chronicles Lau's tumultuous teenage years as she struggles with her dysfunctional family, homelessness, and her passion for writing.

Throughout the diary, Lau candidly shares her innermost thoughts and emotions, detailing her experiences with addiction, abuse, and mental health issues. Despite facing numerous challenges, she finds solace in her writing and uses it as a form of self-expression and escape.

The Diary of Evelyn Lau offers a raw and honest look into the life of a young woman grappling with personal demons and striving to find her voice in a world that often feels hostile and unforgiving.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Diary of Evelyn Lau
Jimi Hendrix: Writer
Lou Reed: Writer
Lou Reed: Performer
Art Bergmann: Writer
Young Canadians: Performer
Ian Tyson: Writer

User reviews

John Jackson

The use of acoustic guitar and piano in certain tracks adds a sense of vulnerability and rawness to the music, mirroring Evelyn Lau's journey of self-discovery.

Donald Nelson

Overall, the soundtrack for The Diary of Evelyn Lau is a moving and evocative accompaniment to the memoir, enhancing the emotional resonance of the story and leaving a lasting impression on the listener.

Donna Walker

Overall, the soundtrack of The Diary of Evelyn Lau enhances the powerful storytelling of the memoir, immersing the audience in Evelyn's inner world and providing a poignant backdrop to her struggles and triumphs. The music is a vital component in conveying the emotional resonance of her journey towards self-acceptance and empowerment.

Margaret Hall

I found the soundtrack for The Diary of Evelyn Lau to be lacking in emotional depth and nuance. The music did not effectively capture the raw and intense emotions that Evelyn Lau experienced throughout her tumultuous teenage years.

Sarah Perez

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack evoke a sense of isolation and despair, mirroring Evelyn's feelings of being lost and alone in a hostile world. The music effectively conveys the emotional depth of her journey towards self-discovery and healing.

Carol Hernandez

The haunting melodies in The Diary of Evelyn Lau soundtrack perfectly capture the emotional turmoil and inner struggles portrayed in the memoir.

John Williams

The use of diverse musical styles and instruments in the soundtrack reflects the complexity of Evelyn's character and experiences. From somber piano compositions to stirring string arrangements, each track adds a layer of depth to her poignant story.

Steven Adams

The emotional depth conveyed through the music enhances the impact of Evelyn Lau's narrative, drawing the audience in and immersing them in her poignant and powerful story.

Susan Miller

The soundtrack failed to enhance the storytelling of Evelyn Lau's memoir. I felt that the music was often generic and uninspired, missing opportunities to elevate key moments in the narrative and create a more immersive listening experience for the audience.

George Parker

The diverse range of instruments and musical styles used in the soundtrack reflect the multifaceted nature of Evelyn Lau's story, making it a rich and engaging listening experience.

Mary Robinson

The soundtrack of The Diary of Evelyn Lau perfectly captures the emotional intensity and vulnerability of Evelyn's tumultuous teenage years. The music enhances the raw and honest narrative of her struggles with addiction, abuse, and mental health issues.

Matthew Young

The music in The Diary of Evelyn Lau is hauntingly poignant, evoking a sense of raw vulnerability and authenticity that resonates with the themes of addiction, abuse, and mental health explored in the memoir. The soundtrack serves as a powerful companion to Lau's story, enhancing the reader's emotional connection to her struggles and triumphs.

Michelle Wright

The Diary of Evelyn Lau's soundtrack beautifully captures the emotional journey of the protagonist, from the depths of despair to moments of resilience and hope. Each track complements Lau's narrative, adding depth and nuance to her tumultuous teenage years.

Andrew Baker

The atmospheric soundscapes created in the soundtrack transport the listener into the world of Evelyn Lau, evoking empathy and understanding for her experiences.