The Fountain Soundtrack (

The Fountain Soundtrack (2006) cover

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Rating: 7.20/10 from 249000 votes
Tags: tree of life
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La fuente de la vida

Title in Português:

O Último Capítulo


Moving between representational stories and images, this meditation on life and death focuses on the concept of the mythical Tree of Life that is said to bestow immortality to all who drink of its sap.

In one of the film's allegorical time-lines, a 16th century Spanish conquistador played by Hugh Jackman sets out to find the tree in order to save his queen (Rachel Weisz) from the Inquisition.

Another conceptual story finds Jackman centuries later, struggling with mortality as a modern-day scientist desperately searching for the medical breakthrough that will save the life of his cancer-stricken wife, Izzi.

The third and most abstract concept finds Jackman as a different incarnation of the same character-idea, this time questing for eternal life within the confines of a floating sphere transporting the aged Tree of Life through the depths of space.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Fountain
The Last Man
Clint Mansell: Performer
Holy Dread!
Clint Mansell: Performer
Tree Of Life
Clint Mansell: Performer
Stay With Me
Clint Mansell: Performer
Death Is A Disease
Clint Mansell: Performer
Clint Mansell: Performer
First Snow
Clint Mansell: Performer
Finish It
Clint Mansell: Performer
Death Is The Road To Awe
Clint Mansell: Performer
Together We Will Live Forever
Clint Mansell: Performer
Kill Bill - Twisted Nerve Main Theme
Tyler Bates: Performer
Kill Bill - Battle Without Honour or Humanity
Tyler Bates: Performer
The Bourne Supremacy - To The Roof
Tyler Bates: Performer
Dirty Harry - Harry's Creed
Tyler Bates: Performer
Bullitt - Main Theme
Tyler Bates: Performer
The Departed - Cops or Criminals
Tyler Bates: Performer
Chinatown - Main Theme
Tyler Bates: Performer
Requiem For A Dream - Winter - Lux Aeterna
Tyler Bates: Performer
The Fountain - The Last Man
Tyler Bates: Performer
American Beauty - Plastic Bag Theme
Tyler Bates: Performer
Crash - Sense Of Touch
Tyler Bates: Performer
Road To Perdition - Road To Perdition
Tyler Bates: Performer
Brokeback Mountain - The Wings
Tyler Bates: Performer
The Last Emperor Main Theme
Tyler Bates: Performer
The Hours - The Poet Acts
Tyler Bates: Performer
True Romance - You're So Cool
Tyler Bates: Performer
Solaris - Dont Blow It
Tyler Bates: Performer
300 - Fever Dream
Tyler Bates: Performer

User reviews

George Wright

The soundtrack of The Fountain skillfully blends traditional orchestral elements with modern electronic sounds, creating a unique and immersive listening experience.

George Jones

The soundtrack of The Fountain beautifully captures the ethereal and otherworldly essence of the film's themes of life, death, and immortality.

Richard Nelson

The intricate orchestration of the soundtrack in The Fountain mirrors the intricate storytelling and layered narratives of the film itself.

Robert Miller

The soundtrack seamlessly blends traditional orchestral elements with modern electronic sounds, reflecting the film's juxtaposition of different time periods and narratives.

Mark Young

The use of recurring motifs and musical themes in The Fountain adds a sense of continuity and cohesion to the different timelines explored in the movie.

Paul Hernandez

The emotional depth and complexity of the music evoke a sense of introspection and contemplation, inviting listeners to reflect on their own mortality and the nature of existence.

Kimberly Carter

The use of various musical instruments and textures creates a rich and immersive listening experience that enhances the emotional impact of the movie.

Joseph Phillips

The soundtrack of The Fountain captures the essence of the film's deep and complex themes with its hauntingly beautiful melodies and ethereal tones. Each track perfectly complements the different timelines and narrative threads, creating a cohesive and immersive listening experience.

William Thomas

Overall, The Fountain soundtrack is a masterful work of art that elevates the film to new heights, immersing the audience in a world of beauty, mystery, and transcendence.

Joseph Turner

The soundtrack of The Fountain failed to evoke the emotional depth needed to accompany the profound themes of life and death explored in the movie. The music often felt disconnected from the narrative, leaving a sense of dissonance rather than enhancing the viewer's experience.

Susan Roberts

The evocative melodies and harmonies in the soundtrack linger long after the movie has ended, leaving a lasting impression on the listener.

Brian Perez

The evocative soundscapes in The Fountain evoke a sense of wonder and awe, perfectly complementing the film's visual storytelling.

Daniel Hall

The hauntingly melodic score of The Fountain resonates with the audience long after the film has ended, creating a lasting impression.

Jennifer Walker

The dynamic range and pacing of the music enhance the dramatic tension of the film, heightening the viewer's emotional engagement with the story.

William Gonzalez

The lack of thematic consistency in the soundtrack of The Fountain made it difficult to engage with the different storylines presented in the film. The music seemed to jump erratically between styles and moods, failing to create a cohesive atmosphere that would have tied the various narratives together.

Mark Harris

Composer Clint Mansell's masterful use of leitmotifs and recurring motifs throughout the soundtrack helps to weave together the multiple storylines and character arcs in a way that feels organic and cohesive. The music serves as a narrative device in its own right, guiding the audience through the film's complex structure and thematic layers with grace and elegance.

Joseph Walker

The repetitive use of certain musical motifs in The Fountain became tiresome and predictable, diminishing the impact of key moments in the movie. The score seemed to rely too heavily on a few musical ideas, resulting in a sense of monotony that detracted from the overall viewing experience.

John Taylor

The music in The Fountain effectively conveys the characters' inner struggles and external challenges, enhancing the audience's connection to the story.

Karen Moore

The score of The Fountain is a masterful blend of melancholy, hope, and introspection, reflecting the film's thematic exploration of life's fleeting nature.

Edward Smith

The use of recurring leitmotifs throughout the soundtrack creates a sense of continuity and cohesion, tying together the film's disparate narrative threads.

Amanda Scott

The ethereal and haunting melodies of The Fountain soundtrack perfectly capture the themes of life, death, and immortality portrayed in the film.

Steven Gonzalez

The soundtrack of The Fountain is a standout component of the film, enriching the viewing experience and adding depth to its narrative layers.

Donald Mitchell

The recurring motifs and themes in the music mirror the interconnectedness of the film's three storylines, creating a cohesive and unified sonic landscape.

Patricia Garcia

The use of traditional instruments and experimental electronic sounds in the score adds a unique and otherworldly quality to the music, enhancing the film's mystical and philosophical atmosphere. The blending of these elements creates a sonic landscape that resonates deeply with the emotional depth of the story.

Patricia Smith

The music in The Fountain effectively enhances the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' journeys across different timelines.