The House That Jack Built Soundtrack (

The House That Jack Built Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 6.80/10 from 91000 votes
Tags: severed breast
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La casa de Jack

Title in Italiano:

La casa di Jack


USA in the 1970s. We follow the highly intelligent Jack over a span of 12 years and are introduced to the murders that define Jack's development as a serial killer.

We experience the story from Jack's point of view, while he postulates that each murder is an artwork in itself.

As the inevitable police intervention is drawing nearer, he is taking greater and greater risks in his attempt to create the ultimate artwork.

Along the way we experience Jack's descriptions of his personal condition, problems and thoughts through a recurring conversation with the unknown Verge--a grotesque mixture of sophistry mixed with an almost childlike self-pity and psychopathic explanations.

The House That Jack Built is a dark and sinister story, yet presented through a philosophical and occasional humorous tale.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The House That Jack Built
Partita No. 2 in C minor, BWV 826
Kristian Eidnes Andersen: Performer
Glenn Gould: Performer
David Bowie: Writer
David Bowie: Performer
The Four Seasons - Autumn (Violin Concerto in F Major Opus 8, No.3, RV 293)
Takako Nishizaki: Performer
St.James Infirmary
Tristan und Isolde
Hit the road Jack

User reviews

John Hernandez

I found the musical choices in the film to be uninspired and lacking creativity. The score did not add any depth or emotion to the scenes, making them feel flat and unengaging.

Richard Green

The music enhances the psychological depth of the characters, especially Jack, by reflecting his twisted mentality and inner turmoil through haunting melodies and dissonant tones.

Susan Phillips

The use of soundscapes and eerie melodies effectively immerses the audience in Jack's disturbed mind, enhancing the psychological depth of the narrative. The soundtrack becomes a character in itself, adding layers of complexity to the story.

Andrew Evans

The music perfectly complements Jack's twisted worldview, enhancing the audience's immersion into his disturbed psyche and the macabre events unfolding on screen.

Thomas Evans

Overall, the soundtrack of The House That Jack Built is a haunting and evocative complement to the film, elevating the viewing experience to a truly immersive and unforgettable level.

Lisa Lopez

Overall, the soundtrack of the film contributes significantly to the overall experience, effectively immersing the audience in the disturbing world of a serial killer and his twisted artistic vision.

Kimberly Miller

The combination of diegetic and non-diegetic music in the film adds an extra layer of complexity to the storytelling, blurring the lines between reality and Jack's twisted perception of the world.

Daniel Lee

The music choices in The House That Jack Built show a deep understanding of the narrative and enhance the emotional impact of key scenes, leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

Andrew Robinson

The soundtrack's use of recurring motifs and leitmotifs adds a sense of cohesion to the film, tying together different moments and themes in a cohesive and impactful way.

Emily Hernandez

Overall, the music in The House That Jack Built is a masterful piece of work that elevates the film to a new level of artistry, enriching the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Ashley Williams

The soundtrack of The House That Jack Built effectively sets the tone for the dark and sinister story, creating an atmosphere of tension and unease that lingers throughout the film.

Melissa Wilson

The score effectively underscores the evolution of Jack as a character, from his initial intellectual musings to his descent into madness and obsession with creating his ultimate artwork.

William Carter

The soundtrack's incorporation of eerie tones and haunting motifs enhances the sense of dread and foreboding that permeates the film, keeping viewers on edge.

Steven Clark

The soundtrack did not effectively convey the psychological complexity of the main character, Jack. The music felt generic and did not contribute to a deeper understanding of his character or motivations.

Joshua Nelson

The soundtrack of The House That Jack Built perfectly captures the dark and sinister atmosphere of the film, adding layers of tension and suspense to the storytelling.

Matthew Gonzalez

The use of soundscapes and dissonant melodies in the soundtrack adds an unsettling layer to the narrative, reflecting the chaos and violence that define Jack's murderous journey.

Stephanie Thompson

The soundtrack's blend of classical music influences and experimental sounds mirrors the film's blend of philosophical themes and gruesome imagery, creating a unique and engaging auditory experience.

Michelle Baker

The soundtrack's dynamic range and use of silence effectively punctuate key moments in the film, heightening the tension and creating a sense of anticipation that keeps the audience on edge.

Linda Lee

The soundtrack of The House That Jack Built failed to capture the dark and sinister tone of the story. Instead of enhancing the atmosphere, the music felt out of place and sometimes even distracting.

Ashley Anderson

The use of sound effects in the soundtrack immerses the audience in Jack's world, creating a sense of unease and foreboding that lingers long after the film is over.

Daniel Nelson

The music in The House That Jack Built skillfully underscores the psychological depth of the narrative, offering insights into Jack's complex character and motivations.

Ashley Rodriguez

The soundtrack of The House That Jack Built perfectly captures the dark and sinister atmosphere of the story. The music enhances the tension and unease, creating a chilling backdrop for Jack's twisted journey.