The Last Days of American Crime Soundtrack (

The Last Days of American Crime Soundtrack (2020) cover

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Rating: 3.80/10 from 12000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Los últimos días del crimen

Title in Italiano:

The Last Days of American Crime

Title in Português:

The Last Days of American Crime

Title in Français:

The Last Days of American Crime


The Last Days of American Crime is a thrilling action-packed film set in a dystopian future where the government plans to broadcast a signal that will prevent anyone from committing crimes. In a race against time, a group of criminals decides to pull off one last heist before the signal is activated.

The protagonist, Graham Bricke, teams up with a hacker and a femme fatale to execute the perfect crime. As they navigate through a city filled with chaos and violence, they must outsmart the authorities and rival gangs to succeed in their mission.

With the clock ticking and the stakes higher than ever, The Last Days of American Crime is a pulse-pounding thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Last Days of American Crime
Allah-Las: Writer
Wake Me Up
Donald Barrett: Writer
One for Earth
It's Too Late
Michael Chapman: Performer
Michael Chapman: Writer
Message to You Rudy
The Specials: Performer
Dandy Livingstone: Writer
PAAC (Protect at All Cost)
Kent Tonning: Writer
Jon Park: Performer
Ferus Gallery
Allah-Las: Writer
Howling (Ame Remix)
RY X: Performer
RY X: Writer
Blues Grumble
Manuel Galvin: Writer
Strange Heat
Allah-Las: Writer
Glory Box
Portishead: Performer
Geoff Barrow: Writer
William Joseph Dean
I Wanna Be Your Dog
David Alexander: Writer
Swanky Tunes: Performer
Swell Girl
Jack Arel: Writer
Personal Jesus
Martin Gore: Writer
Depeche Mode: Performer

User reviews

Susan Hernandez

The music in the movie enhances the dystopian setting and helps immerse the audience in the chaotic world where the characters are trying to pull off their final heist.

Steven Hernandez

The seamless integration of music with the visuals and storyline of The Last Days of American Crime enhances the overall cinematic experience, drawing viewers deeper into the world of the film.

Matthew Mitchell

The choice of songs in the soundtrack felt out of place and disconnected from the overall tone of the movie. The music selections seemed random and did not contribute to building the suspense or heightening the dramatic moments in the story. It left me feeling disconnected from the film's narrative and characters.

Carol White

The combination of electronic beats and orchestral elements in the soundtrack added depth and complexity to the film's narrative, enhancing the overall experience for the viewers.

David Green

I found the soundtrack of The Last Days of American Crime to be uninspired and generic. The music did not enhance the tense and action-packed scenes of the film, and instead felt like a forgettable background noise that failed to create any emotional impact.

Emily Roberts

I appreciated how the music in the movie seamlessly blended with the visuals and dialogue, creating a cohesive and immersive cinematic experience that enhanced the storytelling.

Lisa Mitchell

The soundtrack perfectly underscored the high-stakes heist and action sequences in the film, elevating the tension and excitement to a whole new level.

William Taylor

The soundtrack of The Last Days of American Crime perfectly captures the intense and suspenseful atmosphere of the film, enhancing every scene with its powerful and gripping music.

George Scott

Overall, the soundtrack of The Last Days of American Crime was a standout element of the film, contributing significantly to its thrilling and captivating nature.

James King

The memorable melodies and haunting motifs in the soundtrack of The Last Days of American Crime stay with you long after the movie ends, leaving a lasting impression and enhancing the overall enjoyment of the film.

Andrew Rodriguez

Overall, the soundtrack of The Last Days of American Crime is a standout feature of the film, elevating the viewing experience with its powerful and evocative music that perfectly complements the thrilling and suspenseful narrative.

Edward Williams

The soundtrack effectively builds tension and anticipation throughout the film, heightening the sense of danger and urgency as the characters race against time to pull off their final heist.

Stephanie Hernandez

The soundtrack's ability to evoke emotions and enhance the character development in key moments of the movie adds depth and complexity to the storytelling, making the viewing experience more immersive and impactful.

Deborah Miller

The music choices in the movie complemented the gritty and dark tone of the story, creating a sense of unease and urgency that kept me engaged throughout.

Joseph Thomas

The variety of music genres featured in the soundtrack, from intense orchestral pieces to gritty rock tracks, creates a dynamic and engaging listening experience that mirrors the diverse tones of the film.

Matthew Gonzalez

The Last Days of American Crime has a captivating and intense soundtrack that perfectly complements the heart-pounding action and suspense of the film. The music enhances the dystopian atmosphere and adds an extra layer of tension to the thrilling heist plot.

Richard Walker

The music in The Last Days of American Crime did a great job of setting the mood and amplifying the emotions of the characters, making their journey feel even more epic and intense.

Amanda Hall

The soundtrack of The Last Days of American Crime effectively builds up the suspense and adrenaline, making every moment feel even more thrilling and impactful.

Paul Martin

The use of electronic beats and pulsating rhythms in the soundtrack adds a modern and edgy feel to the movie, complementing the futuristic setting and high-stakes action sequences.

Daniel Garcia

The soundtrack features a mix of electronic beats, dramatic orchestral scores, and edgy rock tracks that immerse the audience in the chaotic world of the film. Each musical cue is expertly crafted to heighten the emotions of the characters and keep the viewers engaged throughout the entire movie.

Thomas Thomas

I found myself on the edge of my seat thanks to the captivating and dynamic score that accompanied the characters' race against time in the film.

John Wright

The soundtrack's ability to convey the characters' inner struggles, motivations, and emotions through music showcases the talent and creativity of the composers, enriching the storytelling and character arcs in the film.

Ashley Martinez

The soundtrack of The Last Days of American Crime perfectly captures the intense and suspenseful atmosphere of the film, adding an extra layer of tension to the action-packed scenes.