The Messenger Soundtrack (

The Messenger Soundtrack (2009) cover

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Rating: 7.10/10 from 37000 votes
Tags: casualty notification team
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

El mensajero

Title in Italiano:

Oltre le regole - The Messenger

Title in Português:

O Mensageiro


While on a recent deployment to Iraq, US Army Staff Sergeant Will Montgomery is injured when an improvised explosive device goes off within close proximity to him. He is back in the States recovering from the more serious of those injuries, including one to his eye and leg. He has resumed a sexual relationship with his long time girlfriend Kelly, despite the fact that she is now engaged to another man who Will knows.

With the few months Will has left in his enlistment, the army assigns him to the Casualty Notification Team in his area. Not having a background in counseling, psychology or grief management, he is unsure if he is well suited to this job. He is partnered with a career soldier, Captain Tony Stone, who teaches Will the precise protocol involved in the job. Tony tells Will, who quickly learns by on the job experience, that this job has its own dangers.

As Will learns to adapt to the range of emotions of the next of kin, he is unprepared for the reaction of Olivia Pitterson, whose husband was killed in Iraq. His initial encounter with Olivia leads to him wanting to get to know her better, which may not be in either her or his best interest. Despite being a recovering alcoholic, the more experienced Tony tries to guide Will as best he can under their collective circumstances.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Messenger
Put Your Hands Up
Christian Salyer: Writer
Plive: Performer
A Beautiful Life
Jody Porter: Writer
Jody Porter: Performer
Woman in My Dreams
Michael Levine: Writer
Lounge Guy
Forward Path
Jensen Reed: Writer
Jensen Reed: Performer
Havre de Grace
Good Vibrations
Stranger in a Strange Land
Perfect Games
Let's Dance
Frankie's Gun
Cry a Little
Profits of Doom
Piano Concerto No. 17 in G Major - Allegretto
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
The Angels Hung Around
Sequestered in Memphis
To Kill
Equal Rights
Wacky Kids' Show Music
Hot House
Gonna Shine
L.A. Groove
Walls Between
Words from a Lost Soul
Summer Fling
Hanging On
Rapture (Sweet Rapture)
A Time for Romance
Pathetique Sonata
Rag Doll
Snow Angel
Home on the Range
Let's Dance
David Bowie: Performer
Frankie's Gun
Gregory Farley: Performer
Wacky Kids' Show Music
Douglas C. Bennett: Performer
Episode 1
Bryony Marks: Performer
Episode 2
Bryony Marks: Performer
Episode 3
Bryony Marks: Performer
Episode 4
Bryony Marks: Performer
Episode 5
Bryony Marks: Performer
Episode 6
Bryony Marks: Performer
Episode 7
Bryony Marks: Performer
Episode 8
Bryony Marks: Performer
How It Ends
Bryony Marks: Performer

User reviews

David Davis

Overall, the soundtrack of The Messenger is a powerful and evocative accompaniment to the film, adding an extra layer of emotional depth and resonance to the narrative.

George Johnson

The soundtrack of The Messenger skillfully conveys the themes of loss, grief, and redemption through its music. The emotional resonance of the score elevates the storytelling, contributing to a truly immersive and unforgettable cinematic experience.

Joseph Martinez

The music in The Messenger enhances the film's raw and honest portrayal of grief, love, and duty, underscoring the complexities of human emotions and relationships in times of loss.

Melissa Wilson

The soundtrack of The Messenger is a poignant blend of somber melodies and haunting instrumentals, creating a haunting atmosphere that stays with the audience long after the movie ends.

Dorothy Adams

The music in The Messenger effectively conveys the tension and solemnity of the Casualty Notification Team's duty, adding depth to the scenes and emphasizing the weight of the soldiers' sacrifices.

Richard Gonzalez

The Messenger's soundtrack perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the film's storyline. Each track enhances the poignant moments and adds layers of intensity to the characters' inner struggles.

Michelle Turner

The soundtrack of The Messenger feels repetitive and lacks diversity in its musical themes. I found myself struggling to differentiate between different scenes due to the lack of distinct melodies or variations in instrumentation.

Andrew Hill

The soundtrack of The Messenger did not effectively create a cohesive atmosphere or mood throughout the film. The transitions between scenes felt disjointed at times, with the music failing to tie together the various emotional arcs of the story in a seamless manner.

Margaret Moore

The emotional impact of the film's narrative is not effectively enhanced by the soundtrack. I felt that the music often failed to capture the depth of the characters' struggles and emotions, leaving certain pivotal moments feeling flat and underwhelming.

Jennifer Lopez

The soundtrack of The Messenger is emotionally powerful and enhances the intense and raw feelings portrayed in the film.

Kimberly Campbell

The soundtrack of The Messenger perfectly captures the emotional complexity of the film's storyline, enhancing the viewer's connection to the characters and their struggles.

Susan Campbell

The soundtrack's use of haunting melodies and poignant themes creates a sense of empathy and reflection, enriching the overall viewing experience and leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

William Lee

The music perfectly captures the complexities of the characters' inner struggles and adds depth to the storytelling, making the audience feel truly connected to the characters' experiences.

Sarah Taylor

The music in The Messenger creates a haunting atmosphere that stays with you long after the movie ends. The combination of melancholic melodies and subtle instrumentation evokes a sense of empathy and reflection, making the viewing experience even more powerful.

William King

The score of The Messenger skillfully balances moments of melancholy with touches of hope, mirroring the characters' internal conflicts and personal journeys.