The Poker House Soundtrack (

The Poker House Soundtrack (2008) cover

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Rating: 6.40/10 from 5900 votes
Tags: interracial rape
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Title in Español:

The Poker House

Title in Italiano:

The Poker House

Title in Português:

The Poker House


Actress-turned-filmmaker Lori Petty makes her feature directorial debut with this period drama starring Selma Blair, Bokeem Woodbine, and David Alan Grier. Set in 1976, THE POKER HOUSE explores a typical day in the life of a decidedly atypical teen named Agnes. Some folks have the luxury of living each day to the fullest, but for Agnes every day is a grueling struggle for survival: Her mother is strung out on drugs, her home has been overrun by degenerates, and her only father figure is a pimp. For Agnes and her two younger sisters, this particular day will be marked by both tragedy and triumph, but which will resonate most in the days and weeks to follow?

Lori Petty tells her life through her character Agnes. Agnes is a 14 year old girl, an aspiring basketball player with straight As. She has 2 younger sisters which she tries to protect from the life her mother leads. Her mom is a prostitute who brings home different men every night. Her pimp comes in and smacks her around to get the money out of her and she takes it because she is in love with her. To earn extra money the two older girls have jobs. Agnes works at a pizza place as well as a newspaper as she is an aspiring writer. Bee, the middle sister delivers papers in the morning. The baby tries to sleep over at her friends house because her friend has food. The three struggling children try and make ends meet with the only father type figure being their mother's pimp. The pimp ultimately rapes Agnes on her living room floor.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Poker House
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Valerie Simpson: Writer
Jennifer Lawrence: Performer
Just To Be With You
Michael Lloyd: Writer
Michael Lloyd: Produced
I Feel Love
Michael Lloyd: Writer
Michael Lloyd: Produced
I Got Your Memory
Michael Lloyd: Writer
Michael Lloyd: Produced
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Valerie Simpson: Performer
First Train
Valerie Simpson: Performer

User reviews

Laura Green

The soundtrack of The Poker House perfectly captures the emotional depth and intensity of the characters' experiences. The music enhances the raw and powerful storytelling, immersing the audience in the tumultuous world of Agnes and her sisters.

Paul Phillips

The soundtrack of The Poker House perfectly captures the raw emotion and intensity of the film's dark and gritty atmosphere. The haunting melodies and melancholic tones enhance the sense of despair and struggle that Agnes and her sisters face on a daily basis.

Sarah Williams

Overall, the soundtrack of The Poker House is a vital component of the film's emotional impact, effectively complementing the powerful performances and evocative storytelling. The music resonates long after the credits roll, leaving a lasting impression of the harrowing journey of Agnes and her sisters through adversity and survival.

Jennifer Smith

Each musical cue in The Poker House is carefully crafted to complement the period setting of 1976 and evoke a sense of nostalgia and authenticity. The songs chosen reflect the struggles and triumphs of the characters, creating a rich and immersive viewing experience that stays with the audience long after the film has ended.

Sarah Smith

The Poker House has a hauntingly beautiful and emotionally charged soundtrack that perfectly captures the raw and intense emotions of the film. The music enhances the atmosphere of each scene, adding depth and complexity to Agnes' story.

Joshua Allen

The musical score of The Poker House is masterfully composed, blending elements of melancholy, hope, and resilience. Each note evokes a sense of empathy and connection with Agnes' struggles, drawing the audience into her world and making her journey feel even more poignant and impactful.

Donald Smith

The use of music in The Poker House serves as a powerful storytelling tool, conveying the inner turmoil and emotional turmoil of the characters in a subtle yet impactful way. The soundtrack enhances the audience's connection to Agnes and her sisters, drawing us into their world and making their struggles feel palpable.

Sarah Miller

The music in The Poker House effectively creates a sense of tension and unease, mirroring the instability and chaos that permeate the characters' lives. The combination of somber piano pieces and eerie strings adds depth to the storytelling and immerses the audience in the harsh reality depicted on screen.