Trainspotting Soundtrack (

Trainspotting Soundtrack (1996) cover

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Rating: 8.10/10 from 727000 votes
Tags: filthy toilet, drug culture, scottish
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Trainspotting is a story about Renton, an Edinburgh lad struggling with a heroin addiction. His best mates include Spud, a dimwitted but good-hearted heroin addict; Sick Boy, a con man and heroin addict with strong opinions on British actors; and Tommy, a clean-cut athlete who doesn't use.

The likelihood of Renton, Spud, and Sick Boy leading Tommy astray is higher, as Tommy's problems may lead him to want to use, rather than the other way around. They often use with Allison, a mother of an infant, in Swanney's drug den, and resort to stealing and robbing to support their habit, sometimes with the help of their criminal acquaintance Begbie, known for his violent tendencies.

Despite their belief that there is no better feeling than being high, Renton wants to quit using. His struggles in trying to get clean are portrayed, as he may find other priorities in his life, like his feelings for Diane, a woman he meets in a nightclub, who may not be who she seems at first glance.

Renton realizes that he can never get clean in his current environment, surrounded by Spud, Sick Boy, Begbie, Allison, and Swanney. However, breaking free from their influence may not be as simple as just physically leaving.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Lust for Life
Iggy Pop: Performer
Carmen - Habañera
Georges Bizet: Composer
János Sándor: Conducted
Deep Blue Day
Brian Eno: Writer
Brian Eno: Performer
Bobby Gillespie: Performer
Primal Scream: Performer
Stephen Morris: Writer
New Order: Performer
Heaven 17: Performer
Ian Craig Marsh: Performer
Debbie Harry: Writer
Sleeper: Performer
Iggy Pop: Performer
Damon Albarn: Lyrics
Damon Albarn: Performer
Blur: Performer
Perfect Day
Lou Reed: Performer
Dark and Long
Underworld: Performer
Rick Smith: Writer
Mile End
Nick Banks: Writer
Pulp: Performer
For What You Dream Of
John Digweed: Writer
Bedrock: Performer
Hertzlich Tut Mich Verlangan
Two Little Boys
A Final Hit
Born Slippy
Closet Romantic
Think About the Way (Bom Digi Digi Bom...)
Ice Mc: Performer

User reviews

Andrew Walker

The soundtrack of Trainspotting perfectly captures the raw emotions and chaotic energy of Renton's struggle with heroin addiction. The eclectic mix of songs, ranging from Iggy Pop's Lust for Life to Underworld's Born Slippy, enhances the gritty atmosphere of the film and immerses the audience in Renton's turbulent world.

Mark Lee

Each song in the soundtrack seems carefully selected to reflect the characters' inner turmoil and the downward spiral of addiction. The pulsating beats and haunting melodies create a sense of urgency and desperation that mirrors Renton's constant battle with his demons. The music becomes a character in itself, driving the narrative forward and adding depth to the emotional journey of the main characters.

Patricia Lewis

The soundtrack's seamless integration of iconic tracks with lesser-known gems showcases the film's attention to detail and commitment to delivering a unique and unforgettable auditory experience.

Ashley Robinson

The carefully curated soundtrack enhances the emotional depth of the film, effectively conveying the inner turmoil and conflict faced by Renton as he battles his heroin addiction and tries to break free from his destructive lifestyle.

Timothy Young

The use of music in Trainspotting not only complements the narrative but also serves as a reflection of the characters' individual journeys and personal transformations.

Michelle Rodriguez

The eclectic mix of songs in the soundtrack reflects the diverse personalities of Renton, Spud, Sick Boy, Tommy, and the other characters, adding depth and dimension to their experiences and struggles.

David King

The Trainspotting soundtrack perfectly captures the raw and chaotic energy of the characters' lives, creating a powerful atmosphere that immerses the audience in their world.

Kimberly Wright

The soundtrack of Trainspotting perfectly captures the raw and gritty essence of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

George Roberts

The iconic use of music in key scenes, such as the unforgettable Lust for Life by Iggy Pop during the opening sequence, elevates the storytelling and leaves a lasting impact on the viewer, making the soundtrack an integral part of the film's success.

Deborah Adams

Overall, the soundtrack of Trainspotting is a masterful curation of songs that elevates the film to a whole new level, making it a timeless classic in both cinema and music history.

Paul Brown

The eclectic mix of songs, ranging from Iggy Pop's Lust for Life to Underworld's Born Slippy, adds depth and complexity to the story, mirroring the characters' turbulent emotions and inner struggles.

Anthony Robinson

The music selection effectively sets the tone for each scene, creating a dynamic and intense atmosphere that keeps viewers engaged and captivated throughout the film.