Un zoo la nuit Soundtrack (

Un zoo la nuit Soundtrack (1987) cover

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Rating: 7.30/10 from 771 votes
Tags: homosexual rape, hard boiled
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Fronteras de la noche

Title in Italiano:

Zoo di notte

Title in Português:

À Noite no Jardim Zoológico

Title in Français:

Un zoo la nuit

Title in Türk:

Un zoo la nuit

Title in Deutsch:

Un zoo la nuit


"Un zoo la nuit" is a film directed by Jean-Claude Lauzon that tells the story of Marcel, a young man who works at a zoo during the day and spends his nights partying and getting into trouble. Marcel's life takes a dark turn when he becomes involved with a group of criminals and is forced to confront his own demons. As he navigates the dangerous world of crime and addiction, Marcel must come to terms with his past and find a way to escape the cycle of violence and despair. With stunning visuals and a haunting soundtrack, "Un zoo la nuit" is a powerful exploration of the darker side of human nature.

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Play Title Artist
Un zoo la nuit
Voir un ami pleurer
Jacques Brel: Writer
Jacques Brel: Performer
Tanti auguri a te (Happy Birthday to You)
Mildred J. Hill: Writer

User reviews

Anthony Campbell

The music in Un zoo la nuit perfectly complements the stunning visuals of the film, creating a cohesive and immersive viewing experience. The powerful combination of visuals and music elevates the storytelling, making Marcel's emotional turmoil and descent into darkness feel palpable and raw.

Steven Johnson

The emotional depth conveyed through the music in Un zoo la nuit adds layers of complexity to the characters and their struggles, making the story more compelling and engaging.

Betty Clark

One of the negative aspects of the soundtrack of Un zoo la nuit for me is its lack of variety. I felt that the music tended to be repetitive and did not offer enough diversity in terms of tones and emotions.

Donna Young

Overall, the soundtrack of Un zoo la nuit plays a crucial role in shaping the mood and tone of the film, elevating it from a mere visual experience to a visceral and emotional journey through the darker aspects of human nature.

Michelle Smith

The haunting and atmospheric music in Un zoo la nuit perfectly captures the dark and gritty tone of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Lisa Clark

The use of music in Un zoo la nuit adds another layer of depth to the storytelling, enhancing the emotional impact of key scenes and drawing the audience deeper into Marcel's troubled world. The soundtrack effectively conveys the internal struggles and external conflicts faced by the characters, making the viewing experience more immersive and engaging.

Joshua Phillips

The way the music in Un zoo la nuit builds tension, conveys emotions, and sets the mood for each scene is masterfully done, showcasing the skill and artistry of the composers and enhancing the overall impact of the film.

Susan Garcia

Another issue I found with the soundtrack of Un zoo la nuit was its overly somber and melancholic tone throughout the film. While I understand the need to convey the dark themes of the movie, I believe that a more dynamic range of moods could have enhanced the overall viewing experience.

Kimberly White

The seamless integration of the soundtrack with the visuals in Un zoo la nuit creates a cohesive and immersive cinematic experience that stays with you long after the film ends.

Joshua Hernandez

The soundtrack of Un zoo la nuit truly captivates the emotional depth of the film, enhancing the somber and intense atmosphere of Marcel's journey. Each track immerses you in Marcel's world, conveying his inner struggles and the darkness he faces with haunting melodies and evocative sounds.

Patricia Moore

The diverse range of musical styles and tones in the soundtrack of Un zoo la nuit reflects the complexities of Marcel's journey and the different facets of his personality, providing a deeper insight into his character.

Ashley Baker

The soundtrack of Un zoo la nuit perfectly captures the dark and intense atmosphere of the film. The haunting melodies and ambient sounds create a sense of unease and tension that complements Marcel's downward spiral into a life of crime and addiction.