Under the Rain Soundtrack (

Under the Rain Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 5.50/10 from 156 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Under the Rain

Title in Italiano:

Under the Rain

Title in Português:

Under the Rain


Under the Rain is a heartwarming story about a young girl named Lily who finds solace in the rain.

Despite the gloomy weather, Lily sees the rain as a source of comfort and renewal.

As she dances in the rain, she reflects on her past struggles and finds the strength to move forward.

Through the power of nature, Lily learns to embrace change and find beauty in the midst of chaos.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Under the Rain
Late Night
Alice Come Home
I Will Possess Your Heart
No Surprises
Spanish Sahara
Rest My Chemistry
Fake Empire
Take Me Somewhere
Dear God Please Help Me
My Body Is A Cage
Something In The Way
Stop Crying Your Heart Out
Under the Bridge
Perfect Day
For Lovers (feat. Peter Doherty)
Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime - Exclusive Recording
Hero Of The Day
Everybody Hurts
The Drugs Don't Work
Atmosphere - 2020 Digital Remaster
The Funeral
House Of Cards
Playground Love
Sad Song
From Can to Can't
Wake Up
We Can Have It
Easy Way Out
Desert Island Disk
Don't Be So Serious
Yellow Ledbetter

User reviews

Robert Hall

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack of Under the Rain effectively convey the tranquility and melancholy of rainy days, creating a serene atmosphere that complements the film's themes of self-discovery and acceptance.

Matthew Thomas

The soundtrack of Under the Rain beautifully captures the emotional journey of Lily, with melodies that evoke both sadness and hope. The music enhances the storytelling by immersing the audience in Lily's world of introspection and resilience.

Paul Hill

The instrumentation choices in the soundtrack of Under the Rain felt disconnected from the themes and atmosphere of the film. The music did not succeed in creating a cohesive and immersive sonic landscape that could fully transport the audience into Lily's world.

Susan Johnson

The soundtrack of Under the Rain perfectly captures the emotional journey of Lily, blending melancholy and hope in a beautiful way. Each track resonates with the story's themes of self-discovery and resilience, creating a captivating listening experience.

Richard Robinson

The music in Under the Rain evokes a sense of peacefulness and introspection, enhancing the storytelling and immersing the audience in Lily's world. The melodies are both haunting and uplifting, adding depth to the narrative and enhancing the emotional impact of the film.

Karen Jackson

The use of different instruments and melodies in the soundtrack adds depth and richness to the overall listening experience, enhancing the emotional impact of the story.

Emily Davis

Overall, the soundtrack of Under the Rain is a masterful piece of work that elevates the storytelling and emotional resonance of the film to new heights.

Laura Hill

The way the music builds and swells throughout the story mirrors Lily's own emotional journey, creating a sense of catharsis and resolution by the end of the film.

Amanda Green

Each track in the soundtrack effectively conveys the theme of finding beauty in the midst of chaos, mirroring Lily's own personal growth throughout the story.

Patricia Adams

The use of repetitive melodies and simplistic harmonies in the soundtrack of Under the Rain made the listening experience monotonous and unengaging. It failed to capture the nuances of Lily's emotional turmoil and growth throughout the story.

Matthew Hall

The composition of the music is both moving and poignant, evoking a range of emotions from joy to contemplation as Lily navigates her inner struggles.

Ashley Nelson

The soundtrack of Under the Rain failed to evoke the emotional depth and complexity of Lily's journey. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the ability to truly enhance the storytelling.

Robert Taylor

The use of instrumentation in the soundtrack of Under the Rain is masterful, with a delicate balance of piano, strings, and subtle electronic elements. The overall composition is a testament to the talent and creativity of the composers, elevating the film to a whole new level of artistry.

Anthony Thompson

The use of subtle piano motifs and gentle strings in the soundtrack of Under the Rain perfectly mirrors Lily's contemplative moments, adding depth and emotional richness to the narrative. The music enhances the character development and helps the audience connect with Lily on a deeper level.

Anthony Johnson

Overall, the soundtrack of Under the Rain is a poignant and evocative companion to Lily's journey, providing a musical backdrop that enhances the film's themes of resilience, growth, and finding beauty in life's challenges. The music resonates with the audience on an emotional level, making Lily's story even more compelling and memorable.

Donna Allen

The soundtrack of Under the Rain is a testament to the power of music in storytelling, enhancing the narrative and creating a truly immersive experience for the audience.

Paul Jackson

The soundtrack of Under the Rain beautifully captures the emotional journey of the main character, Lily, as she finds solace in the rain.

Carol Robinson

The music perfectly complements the scenes of Lily dancing in the rain, creating a sense of peace and tranquility that is both uplifting and inspiring.

Charles Evans

The soundtrack successfully conveys the message of embracing change and finding renewal through the power of nature, resonating with the audience on a deep and personal level.

Daniel Martin

The soundtrack of Under the Rain skillfully blends ambient sounds of rain with delicate orchestral arrangements, creating a sense of unity between nature and human emotions. The music serves as a powerful storytelling tool, highlighting the interconnectedness between Lily's inner world and the external environment.