Veleno Soundtrack (

Veleno Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 6.50/10 from 154 votes
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"Veleno" is a thrilling novel that tells the story of a young woman named Sofia who discovers a dark family secret that has been hidden for generations. As she delves deeper into her family's history, she uncovers a web of lies and deceit that threatens to destroy everything she holds dear.

Haunted by the mysterious past of her ancestors, Sofia must navigate a dangerous world of betrayal and revenge as she tries to uncover the truth behind the curse that has plagued her family for centuries.

With suspenseful twists and turns, "Veleno" is a gripping tale of love, loss, and redemption that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very last page.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Tiemp'e veleno
Enzo Gragnianiello: Performer
Enzo Gragnianiello: Writer
Marco Messina: Arrangement
Senza fa rummore
Irene Scarpato: Performer
Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No.3 in G major

User reviews

David White

The music evokes a sense of unease and tension, mirroring Sofia's emotional turmoil as she delves deeper into the web of lies and deceit that threaten to destroy her world. The haunting melodies and eerie tones enhance the storytelling, keeping you on the edge of your seat and fully engaged in the gripping narrative.

Patricia Robinson

Certain tracks in the soundtrack evoke a sense of urgency and suspense, keeping me on edge as I follow Sofia's journey through a world of deceit and betrayal.

Karen Phillips

As the plot twists and turns, the soundtrack seamlessly complements the emotional depth of the characters and the complex layers of the story. It enhances the overall experience of reading Veleno, adding another layer of depth and intensity to an already captivating tale.

Thomas Wright

The soundtrack of Veleno perfectly captures the haunting and suspenseful atmosphere of the novel. Each track immerses you in Sofia's journey of unraveling dark family secrets, creating a chilling and mysterious ambiance that sends shivers down your spine.

Lisa Parker

The soundtrack of Veleno perfectly captures the haunting and mysterious atmosphere of the novel, immersing me in Sofia's journey of discovery and betrayal.

Matthew Anderson

The soundtrack of Veleno perfectly captures the haunting and mysterious atmosphere of the novel. Each track immerses me in Sofia's journey of discovery and betrayal.

Mark Anderson

The musical pacing of the soundtrack is well-crafted, with moments of quiet reflection juxtaposed against intense crescendos that mirror the emotional highs and lows of the story.

Steven King

The use of orchestral arrangements in the soundtrack adds a sense of grandeur and drama to the story, enhancing the emotional impact of key moments in the plot.

Joshua Carter

The vocal performances in some of the songs convey a deep sense of sorrow and longing, reflecting the emotional turmoil that Sofia experiences as she uncovers the truth about her family's past.

Kimberly Davis

The use of recurring motifs and themes throughout the soundtrack helps to underscore the interconnectedness of the characters and the unfolding of the plot, adding layers of depth to the storytelling.

Betty Rodriguez

Overall, the soundtrack of Veleno is a captivating and evocative musical accompaniment that enhances the reading experience and brings the story to life in a new and powerful way.

Amanda Adams

The combination of orchestral arrangements and subtle electronic elements in the soundtrack adds layers of depth and complexity, making it a truly immersive and captivating musical experience that complements the novel beautifully.

Susan Nelson

The composition of the soundtrack is masterful, with each piece seamlessly blending together to create a cohesive and immersive listening experience that mirrors the narrative arc of the novel.

Jennifer Hernandez

The incorporation of subtle and eerie electronic sounds in certain tracks creates a sense of unease and tension, mirroring Sofia's growing realization of the dark secrets surrounding her family.

Melissa Carter

Each track in the soundtrack evokes a range of emotions, from suspense to sorrow, effectively enhancing the storytelling and bringing the characters and their struggles to life.

Donald Lee

The musical motifs used throughout the soundtrack create a sense of continuity and cohesion, enhancing the overall listening experience and allowing me to connect more deeply with the narrative.